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How to Handle a Football Game with a Toddler

Football season is a big deal in my household. At least, it is for my husband. This year we were able to get season tickets to our Alma Mater, Kansas State University. I wasn’t so sure about bringing our daughter to the games, but so far she absolutely loves it! If you are thinking of bringing your kiddo to a football game this season, this is for you! Read all about How to Handle a Football Game with a Toddler below.

1. Dress Up

Our daughter loves to dress fancy, so she was excited to dress up for the football game. We picked out special bows and stickers and explained how everyone will be wearing purple, because that’s our team color! Dressing up for the game really helped get her excited.

2. Bring Headphones/Ear Plugs

One mistake we made at Ronia’s first football game was not having noise-canceling headphones or earplugs. Ronia kept scolding people for being “too loud” and the game hadn’t even started yet! Luckily a very kind lady who works there had extra packs of earplugs to share. After she had those she was much happier.

3. Buy a Fun Snack

Something else that got Ronia excited for the game was getting to have a fun snack. The first game of the season was hot, so I bought a snow cone for us to share. She was beyond excited about it and it helped her stay cool.

4. Don’t Forget a Cooling Towel

Speaking of being cool, I recommend bringing a cooling towel to the game if it’s warm out. We had one at home, but forgot to pack it, so I ended up buying a new one. Ronia called it her “blanket” and became very attached. And again, it helped her stay cool.

5. Find a Shady Spot

If you are going to an early season game with a lot of sun, try and find a shady spot. Our seats were not in the shade until after the first quarter of the game, so we stayed under the eve until then. Our stadium has several shady areas to hang out in if you need a break from the sun. Ronia and I even made a few friends during our shade breaks.

6. Pack a Few Activities

Our stadium has a clear bag policy, so I didn’t have the luxury of a full diaper bag. Still, I picked out a couple small activities for Ronia if she got bored. They came in handy during our shade breaks.

7. Get into it!

Football games can be so fun, even if you don’t necessarily understand the sport…. like me. Teach your little one the cheers, chants and game rules. Show them the mascot and cheerleaders. Talk about the players. The more excited you are, the more excited they will be.

8. Stay Hydrated

It might seem basic, but another tip for hot football games is staying hydrated. I recommend brining a reusable water bottle with ice water for your little one. Remind them to take sips and drink water yourself.

9. Prepare Yourself

Our daughter did great at her first football game and ended up loving being in the stadium. However, the second game was a bit different. She was tired and hot and cranky, so we ended up leaving at halftime. I was prepared for that to happen, so it didn’t ruin my day. It’s important to remember that things might not go to plan. Toddlers can be unpredictable. Go into the game knowing you might not be able to stay the whole time, and that’s okay!

OR you could have a babysitting backup plan. Maybe a parent or friend could pick them up at halftime so you dont miss the end of the game? Maybe you could bring someone with you to help entertain them. The more you prepare before a football game with a toddler, the better.

Thank you for reading about How to Handle a Football Game with a Toddler. For more home and motherhood content, check out these additional blog posts:

Cute First Day of School Books for Your Toddler
Where to Find the Best Books for Your Toddler
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How to Transform a Simple Ikea Play Kitchen

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