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10 New Habits I Aspire to Adopt in 2022

In the last few weeks of December I did a lot of thinking about my 30th year. There are so many goals I want to accomplish, but I know that all big goals start with simple steps. Simple daily habits that compound into success. Below are the 10 New Habits I Aspire to Adopt in 2022. Perhaps this list may inspire you to make your own for the year.

10 New Habits I Aspire to Adopt in 2022

1. Remembering to take my vitamins…

I don’t think I missed more than a day of taking vitamins during my pregnancy with Ronia. However, since becoming a mom my brain is not what it used to be. My goal this year is to take my vitamins every day, because I know it helps me feel better… if I remember to do it.

2. Being a better listener…

Interrupting is a bad habit of mine that I want to break. Not that I do it to be rude. I often understand what someone is saying and hear myself cutting them off. This year I want to be a better listener and learn to hold my tongue when people are speaking.

3. Seeking to be consistent…

Since having my daughter I have not been nearly as consistent with my blog posts, social media posts or emails. If you have noticed, I apologize. Posting regularly is something I am going to work on in the new year. It’s hard for me to find the balance between stay-at-home mother, wife, daughter, homemaker, sibling, and individual, but I’m working on it.

4. Resetting my home at night…

Often by the end of the day I am so exhausted I don’t want to take the 20 minutes to clean up my home. Especially the dishes. Y’all that is my least favorite chore. I hate doing the dishes, but it has to be done. And my mornings are much more chaotic when the kitchen is messy and there are toys everywhere you step. Taking time to reset my home at night is one of the new habits I aspire to adopt in 2022.

5. Exercising each day…

Okay, so this one is obvious and probably predictable, but here we are. My goal is to exercise at least 20 minutes a day. I’m not going to put this intense pressure on myself. Sure, I am going to work on eating better and moving my body, but I also know when I place unrealistic expectations on myself then I cave. So 20 minutes it is.

6. Consistent sink care…

Another thing that has taken a backseat since I became a mother is my skin care. I’m so tired by the end of the day I find myself splashing my face with water and crawling into bed. This year I aspire to take better care of my skin, and that means re-adopting my skin care routine.

10 New Habits I Aspire to Adopt in 2022

7. Daily time with the Lord…

I’m almost ashamed to say it, but my quiet time with God has really been waning. When Ronia was a little baby I used to snuggle her while I read through the Bible. I would even read out loud to her. The other day I realized how much I had let that slide, and it hurt my heart. To be completely honest, this should be at the very top of my new habits list. It’s the only one that really matters.

8. Doing one small act of kindness…

Sure, most of my days as a stay-at-home mother consist of taking care of others. In fact 90% of my day is taking care of other people. I can find myself going through the motions and almost bitter. This year I want to reshape my mindset and choose to do acts of kindness not because I have to, but because I want to. I want the people around me to feel loved, empowered, and supported.

9. Be a better reader…

Technically I already started this habit, but I want to keep it going. My brother re-introduced me to fiction books and I read several (listened to on Audible) at the end of last year. I had forgotten how much I loved to get lost in a good book. This year I plan to read (or listen to) many more.

10. Release my need to people please…

Constant obligation is really draining the energy and joy from my life. That’s just. he truth. This year I aspire to create more room to say no. No explanations or excuses. Just no, because that is a sentence. I cannot and will not be all things to all people. It is an unrealistic expectations that ends this year.

10 New Habits I Aspire to Adopt in 2022

I hope you will enjoyed these 10 New Habits I Aspire to Adopt in 2022. For more inspiration, check out the posts below. God bless and Happy New Year!

5 Habits to Adopt for the New Year
10 New Practices That Will Revolutionize 2020
8 Reasons You Should Keep a Journal
My 4 Favorite Books About Hygge Living

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,