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8 Areas of Your Life to Declutter and Organize

My main goal for last year was to declutter and organize every room in my home. I achieved that goal, but there are many areas of my life that still need to be reviewed. Below is my list of 8 Areas of Your Life to Declutter and Organize. If you are looking to put your life in order this year, please feel free to join me in the cleaning spree!

1. Phone Photos

My phone has this nasty habit of replicating photos if I sync it to my computer. I also have screen shots I don’t need, or plain bad photos that don’t need to be saved. I would like to organize my photos better this year and clean out my phone storage.

2. Emails

Does anyone else feel like they are subscribed to far too many things? I don’t read 80% of my emails. It’s time to clean out the inbox!

3. Instagram “Saved”

I’m notorious for saving a video or photo on Instagram to look at later… but I don’t look at it later. There are dozens of recipes or hacks I want to try, but never do. Maybe it’s time to clear that virtual clutter.

4. Computer Desktop/Downloads

Speaking of virtual clutter, two areas of my computer desperately need attention. My desktop and downloads. I’m sure if I took the time to tidy things up then my computer would run better and I’d save myself time in the future.

5. Garage

The one area of our home we did not declutter and organize last year was the garage. Technically it’s not in the home, so it didn’t count, right? Ugh… mostly that space is just the bane of my existence. However, this year that changes. This year I will not hate my garage.

6. Bathroom Cabinets

Another neglected area of our home is the bathroom cabinets. Things are always going astray in the drawers and spaces below the sink. I want to find a better way to utilize that space and maybe get a separate cabinet in our bathroom.

7. Car Center Console

I’ve taken steps toward having a more organized car, but 2024 is the year I maximize that organization. We spend a good deal of time in our car between visiting family, traveling and running errands. It would be nice if that space felt less chaotic.

8. Purse or Diaper Bag

The final item on my list of the 8 Areas of Your Life to Declutter and Organize is a purse or diaper bag. We don’t use the diaper bag for diapers anymore, so I would like to figure out a good system for it with a preschooler. You could do the same with a purse or wallet you use.

Thank you for reading about the 8 Areas of Your Life to Declutter and Organize. For more home and motherhood content, check out these additional blog posts:

Sharing My Goals for the New Year
Scriptures to Soothe the Homemaker’s Heart
How I Created a Quiet Time Corner
Helpful Scripture for the Lenten Season

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.