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How to Make Your Home a Peaceful Space

One of my goals when designing my home was to make it a peaceful space. I want every person who walks through the front door to feel at ease. Whether they understand it or not I want our guests to feel the presence of Jesus in our home. Home should be a place that you feel safe, loved, and at rest. Learn How to Make Your Home a Peaceful Space below.

1. Start with You

The first step in making your home a peaceful space is to start with yourself. If you are not at peace, your home will not be either. I find this is especially true if you are a stay at home mama. If I’m in a bad mood, then everyone around me can feel it and the atmosphere of our house changes.

One of the best things you can do to make your home peaceful space is to get your heart right. Start the day spending time with Jesus and then don’t stop. Pray continuously. Meditate on all the things you are grateful for and don’t get caught up thinking about what is going wrong. What you fill your heart with will be reflected in your home.

2. Declutter

Okay, now that you’ve spent some time preparing your own heart, it’s time to take a look around your space. Studies show that having less can actually lead you to feel more at peace. The more stuff you have, the more there is to worry about, organize and clean. I know I feel anything but peace when my house is a mess. Take some time to get rid of things you don’t use or need.

3. Choose Decor that Reflects Your Personality

When you are choosing decor, I encourage you to find things that reflect your personality. When you feel more comfortable in your space, that comfort will create a peaceful atmosphere for others who are visiting. Your home shouldn’t be a museum that no one can touch, but a calming space.

4. Don’t Bring Work Home

Okay, so this is very tricky for us, because both my husband and I work from home. It is important to have a separation between your work and your down time. Those boundaries will look different to every family, so I encourage you to take some time to talk about them.

5. Add Some Plants

Studies show that plants can help decrease anxiety and stress as well as promote creativity. Learn more about Why Owning Plants is a Good Idea here.

6. Focus on Your Bedroom

Another tip to Make Your Home a Peaceful Space is to focus on your bedroom. Your room should be a sanctuary for sleep. The better rest you are able to get, the more peaceful you will feel. Learn more about how to create a peaceful bedroom here.

Finally, if your home does not feel peaceful or safe, please seek help. Reach out to someone. The domestic abuse hotline is 800-799-7233. No one should feel unsafe in their home, and you are not alone. God bless.

Thank you for reading How to Make Your Home a Peaceful Space. For more tips and tricks on how to live a more simple, peaceful life, take a look at our latest content:

Why it is Important to Create a Dream Board
Why It’s Important to Spend Time in Silence
How to Create a Peaceful Bedroom for the Best Sleep
Hygge Home Tips: 5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,