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How to Find Motivation to Clean When You’re Burnt Out

Have you ever struggled to find the motivation to clean your home? As a stay at home mom, doing the same tasks every day can get a bit monotonous. If you are experiencing cleaning burn out like me, this blog post is for you. Read below to discover How to Find Motivation to Clean When You’re Burnt Out.

1. Give Yourself a Break

My first tip when you are trying to find motivation to clean is so give yourself a break. That might seem counter-productive, but did you know studies show a correlation between taking breaks and productivity?

Listen to your body and mind. Maybe you need to take a little time off this week from the never ending cleaning cycle. Take a nap, read a book, call a friend or watch the birds in your backyard. It’s okay not to be productive all the time.

2. Change Your Routine

Now that you have taken a much deserved rest, try changing your routine. When I get stuck doing the same things at the same time every day, I get a little burnt out. Try changing things up to give yourself a little variety.

3. Utilize an Energy Burst

Yesterday, which was a Sunday, I suddenly had the inspiration to deep clean and organize the playroom. That wasn’t necessarily in my plan for the day, but I had the time and the motivation, so I decided to capitalize on it. When you are inspired to get a project done, utilize that inspiration.

Another example would be that the other day I could not get my daughter to come inside. She was having so much fun playing in her water table and in the dirt. So, rather than forcing her to do something else, I utilized her excitement for the dirt and mud and we worked in the garden. It checked something off my list and she had an absolute blast!

4. Set a Timer

Often at the end of the day I have zero energy left to give… but my house is a mess. I know it will help me in the morning to have a clean house, but I don’t want to tidy. When this happens, I set a timer. It’s crazy what I can accomplish in 15 minutes.

5. Listen to Music or Audible

One of my favorite cleaning hacks is to listen to Audible while I clean. Reading a physical book is a luxury for me now that I’m a mom. Listening to books helps distract me from mundane tasks and also helps me feel like I’m being more productive. If you are struggling to find motivation to clean, try listening to some music, a book on Audible or you could even turn on an ambience video on Youtube!

6. Take Before and After Photos

Another thing to motivates me to clean is taking before and after pictures. I love to see the progress of all my hard work. It’s a good way to remind yourself where you started.

7. Ask for Help

My final tip for finding motivation to clean is to ask for help. It’s okay to feel burnt out. You’ve got a lot on your plate, and I know you are thinking of the thousand things that need to get done and how you are the only one who can do it.

Stop. Breathe. Ask for help.

Reach out to your spouse, family, friends, or even a cleaning service if you are able. Don’t sacrifice your mental and physical well-being to keep your home clean. It’s okay to need help.

Thank you for reading How to Find Motivation to Clean When You’re Burnt Out. For more home and motherhood content, check out these additional blog posts:

5 Summertime Scriptures for When You’re Burnt Out.
Simple Ways to Entertain Your Toddler Outside
Top 10 Helpful Tips as a Toddler Mom
Our Simple and Functional Toddler Playroom

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,