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How to Create a Peaceful Bedroom for the Best Sleep

Recently I discovered two of my most popular blog posts of 2020 was 7 Tips for Creating a Hygge Bedtime Routine and the other was about How to Get a Quality Night of Rest. It occurred to me that more people are looking to get a better night of sleep. Go figure! If you are looking to optimize your night of rest, this post is for you. Read below to discover How to Create a Peaceful Bedroom for the Best Sleep.

How to Create a Peaceful Bedroom for the Best Sleep

1. Invest in Your Bedding

You’ve likely heard me emphasize the importance of a good pair of pajamas. Secondary to quality adult pajamas for a good night of rest is quality bedding. Invest in cozy sheets, a good comforter and goodness gracious get yourself a new pillow. It will amaze you the difference your bedding can make.

2. Book on Your Nightstand

Keep a book on your nightstand as a reminder. Every night before you go to sleep, spend a few minutes reading. Not staring at your phone or watching the TV. Let your brain wind down after a long day with a good book.

3. Clean the Clutter

I don’t know about you, but a messy bedroom gives me stress. I lay there in bed at night thinking about how much I need to clean our room rather than getting sleep. If your bedroom is filled with clutter, then take some time to try it up. A clean room will help you get better sleep.

How to Create a Peaceful Bedroom for the Best Sleep

4. Paint Your Walls

Think about the color of your bedroom. Is it dark and slightly depressing? Too bright and keeping you alert? Painting your bedroom walls in neutral, warm tones might just be the best way to create a peaceful bedroom for the best sleep.

5. Try a White Noise Machine

Since Ronia was born we have been sleeping with a white noise machine. I never realized how nice they are, but now we have a difficult time sleeping without it. Adding a sound machine to your room can help cultivate a more peaceful environment, especially if you use nature sounds.

6. Make Your Bed

Making your bedroom every morning is part of clearing the clutter. Future you does not want to untangle the blankets and sheets before you crawl into bed after a long hard day. No, it’s nice to come home to a tidy room and a made bed. For more, read Hygge Home Tips: 5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed.

7. Get Black Out Curtains

Personally I enjoy waking up to the sunlight peeking through the windows. However, if you enjoy sleeping in pitch blackness, you might consider buying black out curtains. These are especially handy if you work night shifts.

8. Add Greenery

Greenery is very hygge. It has been shown to boost creativity, reduce stress, and improve air quality. Keeping a live plant in your room not only brings a little outside in, but could help put your guests at ease. A bouquet of fresh flowers can also be a beautiful and inviting addition so long as you are not allergic. If you can’t have real flowers or a plant then fake greenery is a good secondary option.

9. Spend Time in Prayer

My final suggestion on How to Create a Peaceful Bedroom for the Best Sleep is to pray. Every night before bed, ask God to give you a restful night. Ask Him to have the Holy Spirit fill your room and give you peace. Because true peace can only come from our Heavenly Father. “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33

How to Create a Peaceful Bedroom for the Best Sleep

Thank you for reading the How to Create a Peaceful Bedroom for the Best Sleep. For more tips and tricks on how to live a more simple, hygge-filled life, take a look at our latest content:

7 Tips for a Hygge Bedtime Routine
Hygge Sleep Tips: How to Get a Quality Night of Rest
Hygge Home Tips: 5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed
7 Tips to Create a Hygge Morning Routine

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,