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Diaper Bag Essentials with a 1 Year Old

Several months ago I posted a blog about diaper essential for a new mom, but a lot has changed since then. Our sweet girl is 15 months old now and I don’t need to pack half of what I used to pack before. However, there are a few items I needed to add to the list. Below are my Diaper Bag Essentials with a 1 Year Old.

1. Diapers & Wipes

The obvious first item or items on my list of Diaper Bag Essentials with a 1 Year Old are diapers and wipes. I typically keep 5 diapers in the bag at a time and a pack of wipes. I switch out the pack of wipes if it gets too low, because it’s incredibly inconvenient to be away from home and not have enough wipes.

2. Snacks

Ronia is growing like a weed and is constantly snacking. I make sure to carry a few different snacks in our bag for those moments when her hanger gets a little out of control.

3. Sippy Cup

It took me forever to remember to bring a sippy cup with us once Ronia started drinking water and juice. I forgot so many times that I embarrassed myself into never forgetting the sippy cup again!

4. Doggie Bags

Stinky diapers happen, but doggie bags make the stink a little more bearable on the car ride home. They are my secret weapon.

5. Disposable Placemats

Another one of my secret weapons is disposable placemats. We are eating out a little more now, and these placemats help not only to protect Ronia from germs, but to entertain her at the table. Whoever thought of these is a genius.

6. Fidget Toy

Fidget toys come in handy for those random long waits while running errands. You just never know when you will need to distract your little one for a few moments. Tucking a few small toys in your bag is always a good idea.

7. Amazon Fire

Yup, I said it. We pack the Amazon Fire in our diaper bag for absolute emergencies. There’s nothing a little Monster’s Inc can’t solve.

8. Mom Snack

Sure, it’s incredibly important to pack snacks for your little one, but don’t forget about yourself mama. I can’t tell you how many times I wished I’d packed myself a little something to eat. If you get hangry like me, be sure to pack a mom snack in your bag.

9. Sunscreen

Now that Spring is here, be sure to remember to pack some sunscreen in your bag. You might want to go on a spontaneous walk or play in the park, so prepare for those moments by packing sunscreen.

10. Extra Clothes

Accidents happen, all sorts. I recommend squirting away an extra shirt or even and entire outfit in your bag. Sure, you might not ever need it, but better safe than sorry.

11. Quarters

Quarters were an item on my previous diaper bag list, and I stand by this item. They are handy to have for many reasons. Tire air pumps usually require quarters, but they are also nice for zoo trips. Machines for fish food or to feed barnyard animals need quarters as well as vending machines. You just never know!

12. Alcohol Wipes

I find myself constantly wiping down surfaces Ronia is going to touch. Maybe it is the era I’m raising her in or my own type A personality, but alcohol wipes come in handy nevertheless.

*Bonus: Diaper Bag Itself

In my previous diaper bag post for a new mom I mentioned having a diaper bag with a collapsible changing table. I’ve since changed my mind about that bag and now prefer my new bag by Fawn. It’s much more sturdy and goes with anything. Highly recommend!

Thank you for reading Diaper Bag Essentials with a 1 Year Old. I hope I was able to bring you a little help and encouragement. For more about hygge living with baby check out these posts below:

What’s in My Diaper Bag as a New Mom
Practical Advice I Would Give a First Time Mom
What Helped Me Prepare to be a First Time Mom
5 Helpful Scriptures for the New Mom

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Love always,