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10 of Ronia’s Most Loved Baby Toys

Our daughter is growing up so fast, and it’s fun to watch her learn and grow preferences and opinions. We’ve bought some toys for her that she loves and others that she could care less about. Below is my list of 10 of Ronia’s Most Loved Baby Toys. She is almost 8 months as a write this, so keep that in mind if you are looking for toys for your own baby. I will be sure to keep you updated as she gets older and finds new favorites.

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10 of Ronia's Most Loved Baby Toys

1. Foam Blocks

These blocks by Melissa and Doug are by far Ronia’s favorite toy. Every other toy on the list might drift on and off her favorite list, but Ronia has always loves playing with these blocks. The best part? They are machine washable. Genius.

10 of Ronia's Most Loved Baby Toys

2. Wrist and Foot Rattles

My mother got Ronia some hand and foot rattles to keep her entertained. She is less interested in them as she gets older, but they come in handy for distraction, so I always keep a couple in the diaper bag. They were a favorite when she was about six months old.

10 of Ronia's Most Loved Baby Toys

3. Jumperoo

Oh boy, does our girl like to jump. I know there are some mixed opinions about jumperoos, but after a lot of reading we decided to buy Ronia one when she was about four months old. She seems to be outgrowing it now both physically and developmentally, but the bouncer gave her so much joy it was worth the purchase.

10 of Ronia's Most Loved Baby Toys

4. Sloth “Warmie”

Warmie was another gift from my mom. Warmie is a sloth that is filled with flax seed and a lavender scent and can be warmed in the microwave to give your baby a little comfort in the bassinet or car seat. (Obviously you should only use a stuffed animal like this when you are able to watch your baby.) We never used Warmie for his intended purpose, but Ronia just loves to have him around. We always pack him for road trips and he certainly brings her comfort. I’m hoping it will be her “lovey” or sorts as she gets older, like my teddy bear was for me.

5. Infant Banana Toothbrush

The banana toothbrush is recent purchase, because Ronia is popping so many teeth. She loves this toothbrush. She loves it so much, in fact, that we only allow her to play with it while she is on the changing table, because it’s the ideal distraction for that time. Who knew a banana toothbrush would be such an effective distraction?

6. Sensory Tissue Box

To be honest, Ronia mostly enjoys chewing on the lid of this toy. However, the “tissues” inside this box are handy for playing other games. I hide toys underneath them so she can find them.

10 of Ronia's Most Loved Baby Toys

7. Soft Alphabet Cards

Another Youtube mom I follow was raving about these soft alphabet cards she bought for her toddler and I thought they were cute. Ronia loves them. We go through the cards sometimes and talk about them. I’m not sure how much she understands, but for some reason the letter R is her favorite. No joke. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had to wash the letter R, because it got all spitty and gross. Yup, these are machine washable, too!

8. Carrot Sorting Toy

Ronia mostly loves pulling the carrots out and chewing on them, but she gets really excited when you put the carrots into their slots so she can pull them out again. It’s such a simple, but entertaining toy.

9. Cube Shape Sorter

This wooden shape sorter toy may be a little advanced for Ronia, but she loves playing with it. She figured out how to take the lid on and off and enjoys taking the shapes out to chew on them. I’m sure in several months she will learn how to put shapes in the different holes of the cube. It will be so sweet when she does.

10 of Ronia's Most Loved Baby Toys

10. Children’s Play Tent

The final item on my list of 10 of Ronia’s Most Loved Baby Toys is her play tent. To be honest it depends on the day if Ronia is going to love or hate her tent. I filled it with some plastic balls recently and that seems to keep her entertained. She also loves to play peekaboo with us through the various holes in the walls. We bought our tent at Ikea, but I will link a similar one from Amazon.

10 of Ronia's Most Loved Baby Toys

Thank you for reading The 10 Most Loved Toys of My 8 Month Old Daughter. The past eight months have taught me dozens of lessons, but I hope you enjoyed these few and that was able to bring you a little help and encouragement. For more about hygge living with baby check out these posts below:

6 Things I Learned in 6 Months as a New Mom
What Helped Me Prepare to be a First Time Mom
How to Make Mornings More Manageable As a Mom
Pros and Cons of Pregnancy During a Pandemic

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Love always,