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How to Create Hygge Habits

Learn how to create a hygge habits with these five tips below. Making a habit stick isn’t easy, but with a little patience and time you have the opportunity to transform your life from the inside out. Who doesn’t want that chance? The truth is you don’t have to live in a blue of stress and chaos. It’s as simple as choosing one hygge habit at a time.

Oh, and don’t forget to download your hygge tracker on the @hyggefamilyprints page on Etsy, link below!

How to Create Hygge Habits

1. Make a To-Do List

I have a daily to-do list laminated and hanging on my office door. It is filled with obvious tasks like making the bed, but I love my list. The satisfaction of checking off such a simple task as bed making is oddly rewarding. (As well as taking my vitamins, reading for 30 minutes, or doing one thing to prep for baby.) What tasks do you need to accomplish everyday? Write a to-do list and hang it somewhere difficult to miss. Hygge living is easy one task at a time.

Pro Tip: Don’t allow yourself to become addicted to your list. There is a balance between being productive and being obsessive. Hygge living is not about accomplishing tasks. Remember, your list is just a tool; a reminder. It is not God. Be flexible if things are not going your way, because we all have those days.

2. Take it One Day at a Time

Speaking of those days… This may seem like simple advice, but just because it is simple does not mean it is irrelevant. Take it one day at a time. When I set a 30 day goal I am likely to get overwhelmed by that commitment. Sounds strange? If you are busy or easily overwhelmed like me, the only thing that helps is taking it one day at a time, one task at a time. Utilize your daily checklist and focus on accomplishing your goals today. Breathe in, breathe out. If you fail, then try again tomorrow. Just take the pressure off yourself, because a creating a hygge habit should never be stressful.

3. Choose One Habit at a Time

Again, hygge living is not at being overwhelmed and stressed. Choose one habit to adopt this week and make it a simple one. For example, making the bed should only take a few minutes and will not disrupt your schedule. Reading half an hour a day is a more hefty habit and may be more difficult to integrate. Start small and be positive. The point of developing hygge habits is to saturate your day with peace and simplicity.

How to Create Hygge Habits

4. Be Okay With Failure

Okay, I admit this is a difficult one for me. Failing has always been one of my greatest fears. However, you can find comfort in knowing hygge living has nothing to do with perfection. Jesus was the only perfect human to live on this earth. We all fall short, and that is perfectly okay. It’s what we do after we fall that matters. Did you forget to study your Bible this morning? Pick it up tonight or set a reminder for tomorrow morning. Did you “forget” to workout? Try again in the morning. Be okay with failure, but not content with it. In other words, learn from your mistake and start fresh.

5. Spend Time in Prayer

Do you want to create a new, hygge habit? Pray about it. Ask God to help you. Even if the habit is as simple as remembering to take your vitamins, ask God to help you remember. Nothing is possible apart from Him. It’s okay to ask for support in your journey toward a more peaceful way of living. Of all the tips I could give you on How to Create a Hygge Habit, the most important component is prayer.

How to Create Hygge Habits

Thank you for reading How to Create Hygge Habits. For more tips and tricks on how to live a more simple, hygge-filled life, take a look at our latest content:

5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed
14 Day Beginner’s Guide to Living a Hygge Life
7 Tips to Create a Hygge Morning Routine
How to Live Hygge Like a Hobbit
Hygge & Holy Spirit: A 15 Day Devotion Download 

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,