Motherhood,  Welcome

My Morning Routine as a New Mom

My Morning Routine as a New Mom has certainly changed from what it was before Ronia was born. To be honest, every day looks slightly different. It all depends on when Ronia decides to wake up and how the previous night went sleep-wise. Below is my ideal morning routine on a good day, but it’s important to keep in mind that every day is different. That’s something I am learning as a new mama. Every day will look different and rarely does anything go to plan. That’s life with an eight month old!

My Morning Routine as a New Mom

5:30am – Wake up and Make Bed

First of all, I’m not always awake at 5:30am, but it’s ideal. That might seem early, but we prayed for an early riser and that’s what we got. A majority of the time Ronia wakes up by 6:00am. If I want any time to prepare myself for the day, I have to get up before her.

One of the first things I do in the morning is make my bed. Even when I really do not want to. Why? Well there are many benefits to making your bed, which you can read on the 5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed. Basically making the bed starts my day off on a win. If nothing else goes right, at least I did that.

6:00am – Ronia Awake

Like I said, we have an early riser. I think the latest she has ever slept was 7:00am and we were so confused. She’s a morning girl for sure!

My husband Colton goes to get Ronia when she wakes up and changes her diaper, which is so sweet. They have their daddy-daughter time while I start my day and then we trade so I can nurse her and he can get ready. I typically leave Ronia in her jammies for the morning and only change her after her first nap. That just works best for us.

My Morning Routine as a New Mom

6:30am – Family Walk

The latest addition to our morning routine is a family walk. It took a long time for Ronia to be comfortable in her stroller, so we started implementing a short walk in the mornings to let her get use to it. Now she loves our morning walks! It’s also a great opportunity for Colton and I to touch base about the day and to move our bodies a little.

7:15am – Breakfast as a Family

After we get home from our walk, Ronia is typically ready for breakfast. I keep her contained in her seat with a snack while I make her oatmeal or eggs or toast. While I make her breakfast I make myself a smoothie or a bowl of cereal. Then we eat together. I’m trying to get better about eating together for meals and not just working on chores while she eats.

My Morning Routine as a New Mom

8:00am – Play with Ronia

After breakfast it’s time to play. We water the flowers, stack blocks, work on crawling or walking or motor skills and occasionally watch a little Blue’s Clues. Every morning is different. I try to keep mornings calm and flexible, though I steer away from leaving the house to run errands if I can. I’ve learned the hard way the importance of her morning nap. A happy Ronia is a rested Ronia, which makes a happy mom.

My Morning Routine as a New Mom

9:00am – Ronia Nap Routine

Depending on when she gets up in the morning, Ronia usually naps at the latest by 9:00am. She should sleep for an hour and a half, but sometimes she surprises me and sleeps 40 minutes or 2 hours. Such is life with a baby. Before I lay her down for a nap I change her diaper, put in her sleep sack and we read a few books. Then it’s lights out with the sound machine on. I sing her a song and lay her down. All those steps might seem tedious, but our little routine has greatly improved her sleep.

9:15am – Bible Study and Workout

The last part of my morning routine as a mom takes place during her nap. I learned to prioritize what I do while she naps based on what I can only do without her around. Bible study first, because it’s most important to me. Then I try and do a short workout of some kind and finish getting ready for the day. Some mornings I’m only able to do my Bible study, and that’s enough. Spending time in God’s Word is my highest priority, apart from taking care of Ronia. Bible Study helps prepare my heart and mind for the rest of the day.

My Morning Routine as a New Mom

Thank you for reading My Morning Routine as a New Mom. I hope I was able to bring you a little help and encouragement. If you enjoyed this post please let me know, because I am thinking of doing a part two! For more about hygge living with baby check out these posts below:

6 Things I Learned in 6 Months as a New Mom
What Helped Me Prepare to be a First Time Mom
How to Make Mornings More Manageable As a Mom
5 Helpful Scriptures for the New Mom

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Love always,