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Embarrassing Things I am Still Figuring Out at 30

I turned 30 years old at the beginning of December, which to me seems so old. And yet, in spite of my three decades on this good earth, there are so many things I am still figuring out. I’m writing this post mostly because I find it funny how even now as a 30 year old wife and mama, I still need help from my mother or google for the simplest of things. Please enjoy laughing at my expense while you read about 9 Embarrassing Things I am Still Figuring Out at 30.

Embarrassing Things I am Still Figuring Out at 30

1. How to bake a potato…

Just a couple weeks ago I realized I had no idea how to bake a potato, so I called my sister to ask, because I knew that in spite of how ridiculous my question was she would not make me feel bad for asking it. Her instructions were so simple I felt like an idiot. And yet it still took way too long to bake that potato. I’m still not confident in my abilities.

2. When to change the furnace filter…

No matter how many reminders I set for myself, I never remember to change the furnace filter when I am supposed to. A couple years ago I realized it had been almost a year since we changed the filter. A YEAR! I know, I know…. That’s gross and terribly bad for the furnace. Remembering the filter is something I am determined to do better in my 30s.

3. Remembering to turn off the stove…

Maybe it’s the fact that I am so excited about the food coming out of the stove that I completely forget to turn it off. Now, in my defense I am getting more consistent about remembering. But in my husband’s defense he does have to remind me at least a fourth of the time. Progress is progress?

Embarrassing Things I am Still Figuring Out at 30

4. Remembering my daughter’s sippy cup…

Why is the sippy cup so impossible to remember to put into the diaper bag? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve left it on the kitchen counter. I think it’s because I’m still used to being Ronia’s source of sustenance. (She was breast fed, so I never needed to pack bottles or cups.) You’d think putting it in the car would help, but no. I just lose it under the seat. Oh sippy cup, you are the bane of my existence.

5. How many bananas to buy…

I either buy too many bananas that go bad too fast, or too few bananas that stay green forever. Ronia and I both love bananas, so we are always in this limbo of waiting for bananas to ripen enough to eat them or pining after the lack of bananas on the counter. There is no middle. Currently we have ten over-ripe bananas… guess it’s time for banana bread?

6. Remembering to take my vitamins…

I aspire to be a person who remembers to take their vitamins every morning or evening. To some people it’s second nature, but to me? I remember at 9:45pm while I’m falling asleep and can’t bring myself to drag by butt out of bed to take vitamins on an empty stomach. My eye doctor and primary care physician are both giving me a heard time about this, so I’m trying to be better about taking them.

7. How to bake bread from scratch…

Is there anyone else on earth who does not know how to make bread from scratch? When I look at Instagram it certainly feels like I am the only one. I plan to rectify the situation in my 30th year. By December I will know how to make bread.

8. The rules of football…

My husband is the biggest football fan, and for the life of me I do not understand the game. He has tried to explain it multiple times, but it’s like my brain rejects the information. I just cheer when other people cheer.

9. How to grow vegetables…

Y’all I think I am going to give up on the idea of growing my own garden. It’s just not my gift. Everything I try to grow either dies or never grows at all or gets eaten by wildlife or turns out really strange looking. For example, I once tried to grow corn and it turned out so alien-looking and completely inedible. No idea why. At 30, I’ve decided it’s okay I can’t grow vegetables.

Thank you for reading Embarrassing Things I am Still Figuring Out at 30. For more tips and tricks on how to live a more simple, hygge-filled life, take a look at our latest content: 

Why It’s Important to Spend Time Day Dreaming
7 Tips for a Hygge Bedtime Routine
Hygge Sleep Tips: How to Get a Quality Night of Rest
Hygge Home Tips: 5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,