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8 Reasons You Should Keep a Journal

The benefits to starting a journal are endless. Studies show writing in a journal or diary can help relieve anxiety, express creativity and improve memory. Check out these 8 Reasons You Should Keep a Journal below to discover why you should start writing today.

8 Reasons You Should Keep a Journal

1. Using a Journal Keeps Your Thoughts Organized

Do you have the memory of a goldfish? Keeping a journal can help you organize your thoughts and daily activities. Writing down the details of important dates like your wedding or child’s birthday can also benefit you in the future. Our memories are fallible, so don’t rely on yours to recall the important stuff. Write it all down!

8 Reasons You Should Keep a Journal

2. Using a Journal Helps Improve Your Memory

Speaking of memory, writing down your daily activities can actually improve your memory. Your brain makes stronger connections with information when you write it down. Studies show that writing in color strengthens connections in your brain. For example, writing in green helps concentration, writing in orange is shown to be a mood lifter, and blue helps with productivity. Improve your memory by writing in color when you journal.

3. Using a Journal Improves Your Writing Skills

Are you looking to become a better writer? Studies show that spending ten minutes a day writing can help improve your vocabulary and writing skills. Have you ever heard the phrase “use it or lose it?” If texting or emailing is your main form of communication, then your mental word bank may be dwindling. Your penmanship may also be at stake. Keeping a physical journal can help retain and improve your vocabulary and writing skills.

4. Using a Journal Gives You a Sense of Nostalgia

Did you keep a journal as a child? Using a journal as an adult can help remind you of those simpler days. According to the NY Times, Nostalgia has been shown to counteract loneliness and anxiety. The Time’s says, “[Nostalgia] makes people more generous to strangers and more tolerant of outsiders.” Looking back on fond memories can help you feel more at peace and give you a sense of warmth. Try writing in your journal for a week and you will notice a change in your stress levels.

8 Reasons You Should Keep a Journal

5. Using a Journal Helps You Process Emotion

Speaking of stress, keeping a journal can help you properly process your emotions. Writing in a physical book removes the distractions of social media and gives us a chance to be still and reflect on youself and others. Scripture tells us to be “be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger” (James 1:9 ESV). If you find yourself quick to respond in anger then try writing before you explode. Think through everything thoroughly before you act. It’s a wiser choice.

6. Using a Journal Can Help You Achieve Goals

When I was in high school I started praying for deeper patience. I recognized a deficit in myself that made me uncomfortable. Some days I wonder if my patience has improved at all, but when I look through my old journals I can see the small, steady improvement over time. Journals give us an excellent record of our past and show steady change. If you have a big goal to reach this year, try keeping a journal to track your progress.

8 Reasons You Should Keep a Journal

7. Using a Journal Can Improve Your Creativity

We all have great potential for creativity. Your journal doesn’t have to be a mundane recollection of the days’ activities. Express yourself on every page by doodling a couple pictures or pasting a photo. If you live by a to-do list or tight schedule then this creative time is especially important. Give your brain a break and write a short story or a poem. Write down anything that comes to mind and let your imagination run wild.

8. Using a Journal Boosts Your Gratitude

Studies suggest that writing in a gratitude journal three times per week might have a greater impact on our happiness. And it’s no wonder! We have so much to be thankful for, especially during this time of uncertainty. It’s just a matter of remembering those blessings. Writing down all the good things in your life will help remind you to be thankful rather than resentful. There are many reasons you should keep a journal, and gratitude might be the most important one.

8 Reasons You Should Keep a Journal

Thank you for reading the 8 Reasons You Should Keep a Journal. For more content, check out the blog posts below:

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