Reflection,  Welcome

5 Lessons I Learned in My First Year of Blogging

Today marks one year since my first blog post, Top 7 Must-See Places in Israel. These past twelve months have been quite the frustrating and yet wonderful whirlwind. I’m beyond excited for the next year and what it may bring (not just because I am very ready for the end of this pandemic and the arrival of our little girl in December). Are you curious about what a full year of blogging has been like? Check out the 5 Lessons I Learned in My First Year of Blogging below.

Oh, and don’t forget to utilize the @hyggefamilyprints page on Etsy for all the printables to keep your family organized!

1. Slow and Steady Wins the Race (I hope!)

For some reason I thought my blog would have thousands of viewers in the first week, and this was certainly not the case. Gaining subscribers has been a painstaking march. Some weeks my posts are the hit of the internet and others are met with crickets. At first the lack of immediate success hit hard. I was defeated and frustrated. However, over time I learned to see any tiny bit of progress as something to be celebrated. Progress is progress, no matter how small. The difficulties of growing my blog this year made me cherish each step forward that much more.

2. Stay Adaptive

2020 has been the most unpredictable year of all time, am I right? When the pandemic hit I had 12 blog post ideas all lined up and ready to go, but they all included travel or being in a crowd. Quarantine made it difficult to complete the work I had intended. Pregnancy has also made my life unpredictable. Throughout the first trimester I was sick and absolutely exhausted to the point of incapacitation. My first year of blogging taught me to be adaptive. I need to have options available for different types of content, just in case. I’ve also learned to plan my content well ahead of time, as a contingency. Life is just too chaotic not to be prepared. Or at least attempt to be prepared.

5 Lessons I Learned in My First Year of Blogging

3. You Never Know What People Might Like

My top five most popular posts are so confusing to me. For instance, the most popular post is the 15 Must-Have Foods at Universal Studios Orlando. However, the third most popular is the 5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed. Interesting, right? What I’ve learned in this first year of blogging is that you never can tell what people will like. Sure, you can follow trends or track statistics, but the most important thing to me is that I am producing content that I am proud of. Other bloggers might not agree with this, but if I can get to the end of the day and say I am pleased with what I created, then that is enough for me.

4. Blogging Gives Me Flexibility

Today I was on the phone with at least six different family members for various reasons. I was able to take the time to talk to the people I love, because I have a flexible schedule. Having the ability to create my own calendar has been something I will never again take for granted. I’m able to spend the day with my nieces and nephews or go to lunch with a friend and make up my writing or content creation time in the evening or on the weekend, and it’s glorious.

5 Lessons I Learned in My First Year of Blogging

5. Time Management is Key

Speaking of time with family, I have learned not to overdo my new found freedom. It took several months but I finally completed a schedule for each week that is productive and manageable for me. Creating my own calendar is wonderful, but if I get behind in my work at home then it’s not worth it. I have big goals to accomplish and without managing my time, those goals will never be attainable. My first year of blogging taught me to manage my time well and be efficient with any spare moment I am given.

5 Lessons I Learned in My First Year of Blogging

Thank you for reading the 5 Lessons I Learned in My First Year of Blogging. Check out our top five posts from the past year below:

15 Must-Have Foods for Universal Orlando
Best Small Towns in America: Highlights of Lindsborg Kansas
Pros and Cons of Pregnancy During a Pandemic
Hygge Home Tips: 5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed
Hygge Home Tips: How to Create a Welcoming Entryway

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,