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10 Ways You Can Celebrate Family Fun Month

Did you know that August is Family Fun Month? There’s no better time than the present to spend some concentrated quality time with your family. Quarantine and the pandemic have made it a little difficult to have family outings, but have no fear. Below are 10 Ways You Can Celebrate Family Fun Month. You can finish house projects or work extra hours next month. Seize this season to celebrate your family and create new memories.

Oh and don’t forget to check out the organization printables for your family on @HyggeFamilyPrints on Etsy, linked below.

10 Ways You Can Celebrate Family Fun Month

1. Take a Long Walk

Gather your family together and take a nice long walk in the evening. There’s nothing better than the sound of cicadas and a nice summer breeze. If you live in a small town with a local sno cone stand, you could stop there on the way home. Or you could pack a picnic and go on a hike in the early morning at a nearby lake or mountain. Practicing social distancing is much easier when everyone is outdoors.

2. Have a Board Game Night

When was the last time you played a board game? It might seem cheesy or tedious, but board games always turn into the best conversations and memories. Try something like Apples to Apples or Clue. These games are not complicated, but require context and thought. If you have kids in the mix you could try charades, because kids playing charades is hilarious. Or if everyone is grown up then go for a longer more complicated game to bring out your competitive side. Whatever you do, don’t forget delicious snacks!

10 Ways You Can Celebrate Family Fun Month

3. Take a Trip to the Zoo

Take all the necessary precautions for your area if you decide to go to a local zoo or park. However, most zoos are being very diligent and are mostly outside. Zoos can be fun no matter what your age, and are also very educational. Be sure to pack water and snacks to avoid “hangry” family members losing their cool.

4. Learn a New Hobby Together

Have you always wanted to learn how to play guitar, make a t-shirt quilt or play poker? Gather some family members and learn a new skill together. Working on a hobby is also an excellent way to spend quality time while also keeping your hands busy. If you aren’t comfortable with one-on-one conversation then learning a new hobby as a family is a good option for you. Need more ideas for why you should adopt a new hobby? Check out the 10 Reasons You Should Make Time for a Hobby.

5. Make a Meal From Scratch

Bake some cookies or learn a new recipe as a family. There’s something special about family gathered together in the kitchen. It’s messy and crowded and perfect in it’s own unorganized way. Making a meal as a family is also a good way to show your kids skills they will need later in life. Once the meal is made you can all sit down at the dining table and enjoy your hard work. Even if the meal tastes horrible because someone used salt instead of sugar, the memories will be worth it. You can always order pizza!

6. Reminisce on Old Memories

Part of the fun of gathering together as a family is looking back on the past. This is especially fun with older relatives. I love hearing the history of my family from my grandparents, aunts and uncles. Listen to those stories. Write them down so you don’t forget. Heritage is important and must be cherished. Take some time during family fun month to listen and learn from the past.

10 Ways You Can Celebrate Family Fun Month

7. Start a New Family Tradition

Start a Taco Tuesday night or an annual apple picking excursion. Maybe you go hiking every year at the same national park or have a game night once a month. Whatever tradition you start, make the conscious effort to make it just that, a tradition. Time flies and we can forget to cherish our family. Establishing a new family tradition can help create consistency and memories for generations. Family is there for family, no matter what. It doesn’t take much. You just need to show up!

8. Try a New Restaurant

Depending on your area and the regulations, you could try a new restaurant as a family. My husband and I once went to a dinosaur themed restaurant that depicted a meteor shower on the ceiling every half an hour. It was quite the experience! If there’s a unique place to eat in your area and you feel comfortable eating out then try something new this month.

9. Go on a Road Trip

Some of the fondest memories of my childhood are the road trips we took as a family. My mom always planned a stop at historical sites along the route. For example we once stopped at Laura Ingalls Wilder’s home after we finished reading her books. It was thrilling for me as a little girl. No matter how silly the stop, it can make a lasting memory. Again, remember to take precautions if you leave your state.

10. Play Some Yard Games

There are so many fun and unique yard games that are perfect for summer. Throw on some music, pack some cold drinks in the cooler and enjoy some fun in the sun. You could even set up a slip and slide for the kiddos or have a barbecue. Getting outdoors is always more refreshing than lounging by the TV all day. It also gives you a chance to get active. Not sure what yard games to choose? Check out Pinterest for dozens of unique ideas.

Bonus Ideas: Fishing, Camping, or Boating Around the Lake.

10 Ways You Can Celebrate Family Fun Month

Thank you for reading the 10 Ways You Can Celebrate Family Fun Month. For more tips and tricks on how to live a more simple, hygge-filled life, take a look at our latest content:

5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed
14 Day Beginner’s Guide to Living a Hygge Life
7 Tips to Create a Hygge Morning Routine
How to Live Hygge Like a Hobbit
Hygge & Holy Spirit: A 15 Day Devotion Download

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,

10 Ways You Can Celebrate Family Fun Month