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7 Forgotten Tasks in Your Home

Lately my brain has been more mush than normal. I’ve been much more forgetful, so I have been making a lot more lists and setting more alarms. One of the organizational tools that helps me is my master cleaning list. My checklist keeps track of tasks around my home that need to be done once a week, a month, or quarter. If I didn’t have things written down, I would likely never do them. Below are 7 Forgotten Tasks in Your Home that might need to be added to your cleaning list!

7 Forgotten Tasks in Your Home

1. Cleaning the Dishwasher

Did you know you actually need to clean your dishwasher? There is likely a small trap in the bottom of the machine that needs to be cleaned out. If you haven’t checked it in awhile, beware. It can be pretty gross.

2. Changing the Air Filter

Okay, so confession time. Our last home was a rental and I was under the impression that our landlord handled changing the filter when he did routine maintenance. I was wrong. We didn’t change the filter for so long it was absolutely disgusting. Did you know your electricity bill can be higher if you don’t change the filter? Learn from my mistakes.

3. Cleansing the Garbage Disposal.

Have you ever have a strange smell in your home, but you couldn’t find the source? It might be the garbage disposal. Throw a couple lemon wedges inside to clean out that nasty scent. Your kitchen will smell so fresh and clean!

4. Wiping Out the Trash Cans.

Our trash can and recycling bin roll out from under the island. It’s nice to have them tucked away, but I often forget how gross the inside of the cabinet or the trash cans themselves can be. If you haven’t checked them in awhile, I recommend adding it to the cleaning list.

5. Sanitizing Doorknobs and Light Switches

One of the highest touch zones in your home are doorknobs and switch plates. This is especially true if you are living with little ones. Those areas can get so gross if not regularly sanitized. I recommend doing it at least once a month (or more if your family has been recently ill).

6. Sanitizing Remotes and Electronics

Another high touch point in your home are remotes and electronics. I mean, think how much you touch your phone during the day… ew.

7. Dusting Under the Bed

The last task on my list of 7 Forgotten Tasks in Your Home is dusting under the bed. Our mattress is so heavy it’s hard to lift on my own, and I can only vacuum so far under the bed so… this one is on my “eventually” list.

7 Forgotten Tasks in Your Home

Thank you for reading about the 7 Forgotten Tasks in Your Home. For more home and motherhood content, check out these additional blog posts:

How to Find Motivation to Clean When You’re Burnt Out
5 Summertime Scriptures for When You’re Burnt Out.
Top 10 Helpful Tips as a Toddler Mom
Our Simple and Functional Toddler Playroom

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,