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What to do with Your Toddler in the Winter

I’ve done a lot of thinking about how to entertain my chaotic little toddler this winter. After establishing my own little routine with her, I thought I would share the things I’ve found most successful. Perhaps I can also share our daily routine this winter, if you would like to hear about it. Read below to discover What to do with Your Toddler in the Winter.

1. Play with Play-Doh or Kinetic Sand

Ronia has recently fallen in love with Play-Doh, and it is now my go-to activity for a toddler in the winter. Any sort of sensory activity is a good option when you are stuck inside.

2. Introduce Preschool Activities

When my daughter turned two I started to introduce some small preschool activities. Nothing fancy, but I found printable on Etsy or made things myself. She likes doing a few minutes of school every day. No more than 10-15 minutes, though, because toddler attention span.

3. Visit the Zoo

When the weather isn’t too bitter cold, it’s still a good idea to go to the zoo. Its less crowded and the animals are surprisingly active in the winter time.

4. Try the Discovery Center or Museum

I was hesitant to try something like a discovery center or museum with Ronia, because I thought she wouldn’t be old enough to like it or mind me. However, we have had lots of fun at local places. Again, it’s not typically busy and we always learn something new.

5. Trampoline Park or Play Place

There is a really neat Montessori play place near where we live, and it’s wonderful to visit on colder days. There are also trampoline parks in some areas that are great to get out some of the pent up energy from your toddler.

6. Play Dates

If you have stay-at-home mom friends, then play dates are a great way to get out of the house and socialize your toddler as well as yourself.

7. Read Books

Reading books together or separately is a staple activity in our home. It’s also a good idea to rotate the books that are visible, or place them in various places in your home to intrigue your toddler.

8. Bake Together

Baked goods taste better in the cold, so Ronia and I have taken to baking together every now and then. She pours in the ingredients once I’ve measured and pilfers chocolate chips.

9. Include Them in Cleaning

Surprisingly enough, my daughter likes to clean. Maybe it’s because of her mother who is constantly cleaning. Maybe. I try and include Ronia in chores because it distracts her for a bit, but also helps her learn how to take care of herself and others.

10. Go on a Walk

Again, you want to choose less bitter cold days, but going on a walk is always a good go-to activity. Ronia loves to pick up acorns, sticks and rocks. Ever since she discovered the pockets on her jacket they are always full of something. Also, fresh air is KEY to not go stir crazy in the winter.

11. Color or Paint

I heard a mom once say she does some sort of artwork with her toddler every day and then mails it to friends and family. That sounded so thoughtful, so we’ve been trying to implement that activity now and then. Or we aggressively color for fun. Because Ronia only knows how to color aggressively.

12. Snuggle and Watch a Movie

Many moms out there are anti-TV, but I think of it as a tool. When we’ve been stuck at home too long or have had a long week, I will allow some cozy TV time. A good snack and lots of blankets… that makes everything better.

Thank you for reading What to do with Your Toddler in the Winter. For more home and motherhood content, check out these additional blog posts:

How to Transform a Simple Ikea Play Kitchen
Scriptures to Soothe the Homemaker’s Heart
5 Fantastic Fall Toys and Games for Your Toddler 
Helpful Scripture for the Lenten Season

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.