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How You Can Support Teachers This School Year

It goes without saying that the upcoming 2020-2021 school year is going to be interesting. When speaking to teacher friends and family the common theme seems to be the unknown. They are playing everything day by day and the stress of this uncertainty is going to put a strain on all the teachers and staff. So out of curiosity I asked what they might need. Below are responses from real educators as to How You Can Support Teachers This School Year.

Oh, and don’t forget to check out the education printables on the @HyggeFamilyPrints page on Etsy!

How You Can Support Teachers This School Year

“Honestly (and this is sad) but it doesn’t take much.” 

In the past few months the nation went from worshiping teachers and praising them for their hard work to criticizing them for being cautious about restarting school. It’s important to remember that decisions currently being made about when and how to start the school year are out of the hands of individual educators and staff. These decisions are being made on the state level or by district.

Be kind to those teachers who are simply doing their best to plan for whatever the fall semester may bring. Thank them for all their hard work. They want what is best for your kids and are doing whatever it takes to get back to teaching the way they love to teach – in person. 

How You Can Support Teachers This School Year

“Being affirmed and supported is better than any giftcard.”

Sure, showing the educators in your area you are thankful by buying them lunch or sending them a Starbucks card is nice. They would welcome such a gift. However, words of gratitude and support go a long way. Try writing a small card or sending a quick email to show your appreciation and support. Teachers are having to learn and adapt to a whole new form of education. Support teachers with words of affirmation before you resort to gifts.

How You Can Support Teachers This School Year

“Teachers do not feel respected. We don’t get paid much, but we are expected to do everything.”

Right now more than ever, teachers do not feel respected. They are having to learn to juggle teaching as well as learning to watch for signs of illness and tending to the psychological needs of their students. Every day our educators are putting their lives on the line to educate and care for students of all ages. Please do not disrespect teachers or other staff in the school. Remind yourself that they too are worried. Think of all the new hats they have to wear.

How You Can Support Teachers This School Year

“There is so much we have to take care of, and people are saying it isn’t enough.”

Have you ever felt like you are not enough? Like you will never be prepared? Well that is exactly how our teachers and staff around the nation are currently feeling. Pandemic life is unpredictable, and the weight of that uncertainty is hard to bear. Rather than blaming your child’s teacher for their lack of progress, ask them what you can do as a team to ensure the success of the student. Working together is the only way we will get through this difficult season. Support teachers by showing them you are on their team.

How You Can Support Teachers This School Year

Thank you for reading about How You Can Support Teachers This School Year. Be sure to reach out in support to the educators in your area. For more tips and tricks on how to live a more simple, hygge-filled life, take a look at our latest content:

5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed
14 Day Beginner’s Guide to Living a Hygge Life
7 Tips to Create a Hygge Morning Routine
How to Live Hygge Like a Hobbit
Hygge & Holy Spirit: A 15 Day Devotion Download 

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,