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How to Hygge in the Winter

Winter is not my favorite season. The cold just seeps deep into my bones and stays there until the first day of spring. However, over the years I’ve learned How to Hygge in the Winter. By hygge I mean I have learned how to bring coziness and comfort to the cold. Winter doesn’t have to be all bad. In fact, it has some of the best holidays! So without further adieu, below are 10 ways to hygge in the winter.

How to Hygge in the Winter

1. Lots of Blankets

Get yourself a few big, comfy blankets to place around the house. Everyone has a favorite fabric and blanket size, so find the one that fits you. For instance, I’m the shortest one in my family at 5’11”. That means we love a big blanket that actually covers from head to feet. Snuggling in a cozy blanket this winter is an excellent hygge practice.

How to Hygge in the Winter

2. Drink Some Hot Cocoa

While you’re curled up in a blanket, why not enjoy a hot cup of cocoa? Instant is fine if you have the option, but cocoa is best when made from scratch. Try a new recipe or two this winter and you might find a new favorite cold weather beverage.

3. Read a Good Book

Every year in December I read Little Women. It’s my go-to winter read. If you are looking for a hygge hobby this holiday, trying picking up a real book. Curl up by the fire with your cocoa and blanket and get lost in another world and time. I promise it will be worth it.

How to Hygge in the Winter

4. Light a Delicious Candle

Want your home to smell like baked goods without actually baking? Try lighting a deliciously scented candle like Cinnamon Roll, Apple Pie or Pumpkin Spice. Remember to look for a non-toxic brand to keep your family safe. Or better yet, try a holiday-themed essential oil combination.

5. Buy a Pair of Pajamas

One of the best investments I ever made was to buy myself a pair of actual adult pajamas. Yup, pajamas. Hygge living is all about being cozy, and what is more cozy then soft PJs?

How to Hygge in the Winter

6. Indulge in a Sweet Treat

Winter is the best time of year for baked goods. Allow yourself to indulge in something delicious you don’t normally have any other time of year. For example, my family makes Christmas candy every year. My favorite candy is peanut butter balls, and I only have them once a year. Why not indulge a little?

7. Spend Time With Family

Quality time with family is an excellent way to hygge this winter. You could cook a big pot of chili or a warm casserole for dinner. Then sit around the table and catch up while you eat. Host a game night or go through old photos. Whatever you do, keep it simple and low-key.

How to Hygge in the Winter

8. Cultivate a Stress-Free Christmas

If your family is anything like mine, Christmas can be a little overwhelming. Last year I made an effort to cultivate a stress-free holiday, and I believe it was successful! To learn more about how I did this, check out this blog post. There’s no reason you should dread the most wonderful time of year.

9. Get Outside (if you can)

We live in Kansas, which can have unpredictable weather. Some years we get a foot of snow, and others it’s warm enough to go on a hike. If you are able to get outside this winter, do it! It’s important to get vitamin D when you are able in order to fight the winter blues. Just remember to bundle up and be careful if it’s cold.

How to Hygge in the Winter

10. Remember to Be Thankful

Speaking of the winter blues, perhaps the most hygge thing you can do this winter is to choose to be thankful. Focus on all the blessings rather than the burdens. Sure, it might be bitter cold outside. But you have your blankets and hot cocoa. There are so many little things for which you can be grateful.

How to Hygge in the Winter

Thank you for reading How to Hygge in the Winter. For more tips and tricks on how to live a more simple, hygge-filled life, take a look at our latest content:

5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed
14 Day Beginner’s Guide to Living a Hygge Life
7 Tips to Create a Hygge Morning Routine
Hygge & Holy Spirit: A 15 Day Devotion Download 

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,