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Little Things You Can Do Every Day for a Better Marriage

Before I begin, I want to clarify that my husband and I have been married less than six years. We are still learning and growing every day, and I do not consider myself a marriage expert. That being said, there are still several Little Things You Can Do Every Day for a Better Marriage. These five tips below have truly revolutionized our relationship, and I hope they can do the same for yours.

1. Pray for Your Spouse

It might seem simple, but the very best thing you can do for your spouse is to pray for them. And not just first thing in the morning or during your designated prayer time. Pray for your husband or wife throughout the day, constantly. You are their biggest advocate. Not sure what to pray? Then ask! Make it a part of your regular conversation to check in and see where your spouse might be struggling. As much as you can help them with day-to-day tasks, only God is able to sustain and strengthen your spouse. Pray for them fervently and watch as God works.

Little Things You Can Do Every Day for a Better Marriage

2. Thank Your Spouse Consistently

Flowers and chocolates or random gifts are nice on occasion, but rather than storing up all your gratitude and releasing it on a few select days out of the year, thank your spouse right now! Thank them for the little things right after they occur. Thank you for taking out the garbage. Thank you for running to the store today, for encouraging me, for making dinner. Or for getting the oil changed. Make gratitude the position of your heart.

The truth is, it is easy to think of all the things your significant other is doing wrong. Like, why can’t he remember to put the laundry in the hamper? But don’t allow yourself to focus on the negative. Instead, choose to focus on all the many things you spouse does well. This positive outlook will make for a better marriage.

Little Things You Can Do Every Day for a Better Marriage

3. Remember Your Spouse’s Love Language

I’m pretty lucky in the sense that both my husband and I have a primary love language of Quality Time. We love to be in the same room. Even when we aren’t talking, it’s just nice to be together. What is your spouse’s love language? Keep that in mind as you go throughout your day. If your spouse’s love language is Acts of Service she might love it if you clean the dishes. And if your husband’s love language is Words of Affirmation, he might need extra encouragement. Knowing the primary and secondary love languages of your spouse will revolutionize your marriage.

To take the love language test, click HERE.

Little Things You Can Do Every Day for a Better Marriage

4. Never Stop Learning About Your Spouse

Like I said before, we have only been married five years, but Colton and I are still learning new things about one another every day. People don’t stay the same. They grow and change over time. For example, Colton is convinced my favorite flower was once an orchid. I know my favorite flower is peonies. My favorites have changed since we first met, and so have his. It’s important to keep listening to and learning about your spouse over time. Don’t assume you have them memorized. That type of complacency will not lead to a better marriage.

5. Spoil Your Spouse

Again, you don’t have to wait for birthdays or Valentine’s Day to appreciate your spouse. Surprise your significant other by spoiling them spontaneously. Make their favorite dinner. Buy them something they’ve wanted for a long time. Organize a weekend away. Whatever you do, little or big, consider what would help your spouse feel loved. It might be as simple as buying a Kit-Kat or vacuuming the floor. Take time every week to love on your spouse and show them you are on their mind.

Little Things You Can Do Every Day for a Better Marriage

Thank you for reading the Little Things You Can Do Every Day for a Better Marriage. For more content, check out the blog posts below:

The Top 5 Favorite Best Books for Young Married Couples
7 Day Devotion Series: Couples in the Bible
5 Things I Have Learned in 5 Years of Marriage
7 Ways to Appreciate People and Say Thank You

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Love always,