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How to Cultivate a Stress-Free Holiday Season

Last year I made it my mission to remove stress from our holiday season. My husband was tired of the chaos of Christmas, and it hurt my heart that he could not enjoy the season because it was so utterly overwhelming. It took some planning and effort, but I accomplished my goal. Are you already dreading the upcoming holiday season? Then this post is for you. Learn How to Cultivate a Stress-Free Holiday Season below.

How to Cultivate a Stress-Free Holiday Season

1. Shop for Christmas Gifts Early

Rather than wait until December to start shopping for Christmas presents, shop for them throughout the year. The key is to listen to and watch the people you love. They will give you clues. Just keep a box at home for any gifts or stocking stuffers you find and start accumulating. It’s so exciting to open that box in November and discover you have gifts for more than half the people on your list ready to wrap. Keeping a gift box is also a good idea if you find things while you travel. Just store them for December!

2. Freeze Cookie Dough

Every holiday season I spend hours baking cookies and making candy. If you are like me and enjoy giving homemade baked goods to the people you love, I recommend preparing early. Instead of baking everything at once, take the time a month or so prior to make and freeze any recipes you are able. Cookie dough especially. Then when baking week rolls around you have things ready to go. Less stress on future you!

How to Cultivate a Stress-Free Holiday Season

3. Prepare Your Christmas Card or Letter

Christmas cards are often the last thing to be accomplished in the holiday season. If you have spare time one afternoon in the fall, go ahead and prepare your Christmas card or letter. Sure, you might not have photos to add yet, but get done what you can. Better yet, prepare your address list and check addresses early. That’s honestly the part that takes the longest. You could even go so far as to label envelopes, but that’s only if you are feeling super ambitious.

4. Decorate Your Home Early

There’s nothing better than Christmas decorations. It takes so much effort and time to decorate your home for the holidays, why not enjoy the decorations even longer? Who cares what other people think. Get your home ready for the season a little sooner this year so you don’t have to worry about it closer to the holiday week. You could do it all at once or in batches, whatever works better for your schedule.

How to Cultivate a Stress-Free Holiday Season

5. Take Decorations Down Late

Swedes traditionally leave up their Christmas decorations until January 13th, King Knut’s Day. The story goes that King Knut decreed the Christmas season would last 20 days and therefore would end mid-January. Don’t worry about taking down your decorations right after the holidays. Again, enjoy them and unwind. The holidays can be overwhelming, so don’t add one more thing to your list. Let the decorations slide until King Knut’s day… or even later if you prefer. No judgement here.

6. Communicate Expectations for Multiple Christmases

In a typical year I have five Christmases to attend. If you are like me and have several Christmas parties to prepare for, it’s important that you communicate expectations with the people you love. You are one person who needs to be half a dozen places in a few days. Schedule with family early and know where you need to be and when. I also recommend only doing one (maybe two) Christmases in a day. Don’t stretch yourself thin. It’s important to be present and not constantly checking the clock. That’s not the point of Christmas.

How to Cultivate a Stress-Free Holiday Season

7. Remember the Reason for the Season

Speaking of the point of Christmas, it’s important that no matter what, you remember the reason for the season. We celebrate Christmas to remember the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord who came to this world as an infant only to die on a cross for our sins. Christmas is about Jesus. Not presents or decorations, scheduling or parties. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the stuff then take a step back and remind yourself why the season exists in the first place. Also, if your Christmas schedule leaves you drained and forgetting the purpose of Christmas, it might be time to make a drastic change to that schedule.

8. Do a Data Dump

Think of anything and everything you need to get done before Christmas. Whether is be gifts, food, decorations, or obligations just write it all down. Then as you think of more to-dos, add to your list. Doing a data dump will help you keep track of all the things on your mental list. Also, the act of writing or typing your list will help cultivate a stress-free holiday, because it gets those tasks off your mind. Once you’ve made the list then delegate what you can and schedule the rest. You got this!

Oh and making a list of anyone you need to buy gifts for prevents the last minute gift purchases for people you almost forgot. Or worse, realizing you forgot them when it’s too late.

9. Don’t Neglect Sleep and Exercise

I know, I know, the holidays keep you extra busy. The first things to go are going to be sleep and exercise. However, studies show that exercise and a good night of rest can help relieve stress. Eat all the delicious holiday foods and spend plenty of quality time with family, but remember to take time for self care throughout the holidays. Even a short walk can be beneficial. You will thank yourself in the new year following a stress-free holiday.

How to Cultivate a Stress-Free Holiday Season

10. Hand Your Plans Over to God

As much planning as you can do before Christmas week, life is unpredictable. There could be a snowstorm or an unexpected illness. Gifts could be delayed in the mail, or in my case taken right out of your car. Things happen. Make preparations and do what you can to be ready for Christmas, but then hand all your plans over to God. If things don’t go well, take a deep breath. It will all be okay. What’s Christmas without a little mess?

How to Cultivate a Stress-Free Holiday Season

11. Choose to Be Present

My final tip as to How to Cultivate a Stress-Free Holiday Season is to choose to be present. Christmas will be gone before you know it. Don’t worry about cleaning the table immediately following dinner or throwing away wrapping paper as people are opening their gifts. Enjoy the moment! Be present with your family and enjoy the holiday. You might not get a million photos or have a tidy home, but who cares? Christmas is once a year.

How to Cultivate a Stress-Free Holiday Season

Thank you for reading How to Cultivate a Stress-Free Holiday Season. Remember, a Hygge Holiday is one that is focused on coziness and calm. For more content, check out these additional posts:

How to Have A Hyggeligt Holiday Season
Swedish Christmas Traditions and Decorations
101+ (Mostly) Practical Stocking Stuffer Ideas
5 Reasons You Need to Slow Down

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,