Hygge Living,  Reflection,  Welcome

Simple Ways to Romanticize Your Life and Find Joy in the Little Things

Last week was my little sister’s birthday, so in honor of her beautiful heart I thought I would write a blog post inspired by her. A few weeks ago we were able to spend the whole morning together at a coffee shop just reading and writing and enjoying the quiet. On that sister-date we talked about the importance of finding Simple Ways to Romanticize Your Life and Find Joy in the Little Things. Below are some ideas to do just that.

Simple Ways to Romanticize Your Life and Find Joy in the Little Things

1. Celebrate the Holidays.

Most of us celebrate the main holidays like Christmas and Easter and Thanksgiving, but what about all the others? There’s basically a holiday every day of the year. For example, my family celebrates VÃ¥ffeldagen, or National Swedish Waffle Day! Choose a few holidays to celebrate throughout the day and then be intentional about celebrating them. Decorate your home or make plans with friends and family. There’s something to gathering together and celebrating milestones.

2. Plate Your Food.

Another simple way to romanticize your life is to plate your food. What a blessing it is that God has given us so many countless flavors and textures in food! We are meant to enjoy what we’ve been given, not to just scarf it down as we run to the next thing on our schedule. Sure, there’s a time to eat in a hurry, but if you are looking to romanticize your life more, then I encourage you to slow down and savor every meal, every bite. Make it look pretty on an actual plate and then chew slowly. Enjoy your food!

Simple Ways to Romanticize Your Life and Find Joy in the Little Things

3. Create Bucket Lists.

Something Allison Bickerstaff has inspired me to do is to create seasonal bucket lists. So, at the beginning of each season I encourage you to individually or as a family make a list of everything you would like to do. For example, this summer we wanted to pick strawberries, go to the zoo and have a picnic. Seasons pass so quickly, I think it’s important to be mindful of our time.

4. Go to the Library.

Another thing Allison has inspired me to do is to go to the library. This might seem basic, but I haven’t had a library card in many years. Going to the library was one of my favorite activities as child, and I want to be sure to pass that memory to Ronia, so we’ve made it a part of our routine to go together once a week. There’s also so many activities at our local library that are fun to be a part of.

Simple Ways to Romanticize Your Life and Find Joy in the Little Things

5. Be Present.

This might seem obvious, but one way you can romanticize your life and find joy in the little things is to just be present. Put down your phone. Listen to people when they talk to you. Take in your surroundings. Get rid of all the distractions so you can actually be present in your every day life. Simple, but not always easy.

6. Change Your Perspective.

Doing the dishes every day is my least favorite task, but I’m glad I have dishes to wash and clean water with which to wash them. I’m glad we have finances to pay for the water bill and our beautiful home. You see what I did there? I took an annoying task and I changed my perspective. You can do the same with things throughout your day. Find reasons to be thankful and peace-filled.

Simple Ways to Romanticize Your Life and Find Joy in the Little Things

7. Go to the Farmer’s Market

A more practical way to romanticize your life is to go to the Farmer’s Market. It’s easy to order groceries for delivery or even go to a local chain, but there is something special about getting produce straight from the source. You could even get a special tote specifically for the market and make it part of your weekly routine.

8. Prioritize Meaningful Conversations.

When my sister and I went out for our sister date that inspired this blog post, I was reminded how nice it is to just sit across a table from someone in person without distractions and talk. Just talk about anything. Talk about the book you are reading or the new cookie recipe you tried. Talk about your random hopes and dreams. Prioritizing meaningful conversations is an excellent way to romanticize your life.

Simple Ways to Romanticize Your Life and Find Joy in the Little Things

9. Choose a New Hobby.

I feel like people who romanticize their lives have hobbies. They bake bread or knit or garden. I’m an aspiring gardener, but I’m not sure what my hobby is just yet. There is something so special about having something you are good at and doing that thing just because you love it. Or even if you aren’t good at it, doing it because you love it. Romanticize your life by adopting a new hobby.

10. Create Margin.

Something my sister mentioned to me about finding joy in the little things is that you have to create margin. For example, you might plan to go to the farmers market, but it rains. Or you might make plans with friends that get canceled. Going with the flow and allowing yourself to be flexible is part of finding joy in the little things.

Simple Ways to Romanticize Your Life and Find Joy in the Little Things

Thank you for reading Simple Ways to Romanticize Your Life and Find Joy in the Little Things. For more tips and tricks on how to live a more simple, hygge-filled life, take a look at our latest content: 

Embarrassing Things I am Still Figuring Out at 30
How to Reset When You Feel Overwhelmed
Why It’s Important to Spend Time Day Dreaming
Hygge Sleep Tips: How to Get a Quality Night of Rest

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,