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5 Fun Ways to Celebrate May Day with Family

When I was growing up the first of May was a celebration. May Day is a time to honor Spring and life, warmth and all things green. Below are 5 Fun Ways to Celebrate May Day with Family. If you haven’t had the opportunity to recognize this unique holiday, then I highly recommend you add it to your calendar. It’s been a long year and a longer winter, but warmer months are coming. Better times are coming. Let’s celebrate!

5 Fun Ways to Celebrate May Day with Family

1. Make May Baskets

The most popular way to celebrate May Day is with May baskets. These baskets can be real or handmade with paper. They are filled with flowers (again either homemade or authentic). Of course, the very best part of making May baskets is giving them away. When I was a little girl in 4-H we used to surprise our neighbors by putting them on the doorstep and hurrying away before they found us. The sweet surprise of a May basket is one that your friends, family and neighbors will cherish. It’s also a fun and memorable activity to do with your kiddos! For more ideas on May baskets, check out the Be Still and Write Pinterest page.

2. Go on and Dance

Another May Day tradition is dancing around the May pole with flower crowns. If your area doesn’t celebrate the holiday in this way, you can still enjoy a bit of dancing in your own backyard. Oh just admit it. A little bit of dancing by yourself does the heart good! So put on your favorite song or turn up the radio and move your body. At least tap your foot. No one has to know.

5 Fun Ways to Celebrate May Day with Family

3. Cut Flowers

Putting together May baskets is one way to celebrate May Day, but you don’t have to give all the flowers away. Enjoy the arrival of Spring by cutting a fresh bouquet of flowers or buying one at the store. Flower bouquets have been shown to improve moods and ignite creativity. Not to mention they brighten any room. (Anyone else tired of being home all the time?) This May Day, bring a little bit of outside in with some fresh cut flowers.

5 Fun Ways to Celebrate May Day with Family

4. Try Hiking

Speaking of bringing the outside in, the fourth way to celebrate May Day is to go on a hike. Or on a walk in your neighborhood. Or step out on your back porch! Savor the crisp breeze and let it fill your lungs. Getting out in nature is good for your mind, body and soul. You could even invite friends along or make it a family affair! Just get yourself outside to enjoy the beautiful earth come to life. Better yet, take off your shoes and put your feet in the dirt like you did as a kid. Just trust me. It will be worth it.

5. Pack a Picnic

Another way to celebrate May Day is to go on a picnic. You don’t even need to leave your house to do so. Fire up the grill or assemble some sandwiches to eat in the yard. Or take some food on your May Day hike and enjoy it out in nature. There’s something so special about enjoying a meal with your loved ones in the great outdoors. I can’t explain it. Even when there are bugs or wind it makes for an excellent memory.

5 Fun Ways to Celebrate May Day with Family

Thank you for reading 5 Fun Ways to Celebrate May Day with Family. Check out for more May Day content. Or for more holiday ideas, check out additional content such as:

How to Celebrate VÃ¥ffeldagen With Your Family
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What Your Mom Really Wants for Mother’s Day

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,