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What To Do With An 8 Hour Layover In Philadelphia

On our way to Israel in February our tour group discovered we had an eight hour layover in the great city of Philadelphia. Sitting in the airport that long seemed like torture, so four of us went on a little adventure. Here is What To Do With An 8 Hour Layover In Philadelphia. Remember to seize the moment and form new memories with friends whenever you can.

Oh and don’t forget to download your Travel Planner on the @hyggefamilyprints page on Etsy – linked below!

What To Do With An 8 Hour Layover In Philadelphia

1. Visit the Liberty Bell

The obvious first choice, we couldn’t miss the opportunity to see the Liberty Bell up close and in person. Lugging our carry-ons through security wasn’t easy, but this piece of history made it worth while.

The Bell was created as a symbol of freedom and justice, inspired by the scripture verse on it that reads, “Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof,” from Leviticus 25:10.

Learn more about the Liberty Bell HERE.

Pro Tip: Ask the tour guides any and all questions you may have. They are kind, knowledgeable, and eager to share.

What To Do With An 8 Hour Layover In Philadelphia

2. Take a Tour of Independence Hall

We asked the security guards at the Liberty Bell if Independence Hall was worth the time, and they said “Well… it is the birthplace of the America.”

Touche, security guards.

Well, they were right! In case you need a quick reminder, it is within the walls of Independence Hall that the Declaration of Independence was adopted and where the Constitution of the United States was debated, drafted and signed.

The tour guides here are also very knowledgeable and ready to share. Be sure to listen to everything they have to say. Visiting Independence Hall helped rekindle the pride I have in our country and it’s core values.

What To Do With An 8 Hour Layover In Philadelphia

The head chair in the picture above is the only piece of furniture that is original to the room. George Washington himself sat in that chair.

What To Do With An 8 Hour Layover In Philadelphia
What To Do With An 8 Hour Layover In Philadelphia

When walking by these stairs I looked at my husband and said “Nicholas Cage ran up those stairs in National Treasure.” He responded with, “So did the founders of our country… perspective, I guess.”

Touche, Colton.

The barred space in the courtroom pictured above was where the defendant would stand. For the entirety of their trial, no matter how many hours long the defendant was forced to stand. Can you imagine?

What To Do With An 8 Hour Layover In Philadelphia

3. Get a Philly Cheesesteak

After the tour through Independence Hall, it’s time to enjoy a classic Philadelphia Philly Cheesesteak. Now, I have to admit this was not on my list, but it was a high priority for my husband.

Per the recommendation of our Uber driver, we tried Jim’s Steaks.

What To Do With An 8 Hour Layover In Philadelphia
What To Do With An 8 Hour Layover In Philadelphia

4. Visit the Rocky Steps

We couldn’t leave Philly without running the Rocky steps. Caution! It was on these very windy steps that my dear friend Karen almost fell to her doom. Be careful of the wind.

Otherwise a sweet opportunity and terrific view.

Ba dam buuuu Ba dam buuuuuuu (are you hearing the theme song in your head?)

5. Do it all with friends.

Our entire adventure would not have been possible without friends who were willing to seize the day. We learned more about one another and about our great country.

When presented with an extended layover in a new city, don’t be afraid to be spontaneous. Create some memories!

What To Do With An 8 Hour Layover In Philadelphia

I hope you’ve enjoyed these suggestions on What To Do With An 8 Hour Layover In Philadelphia. To further plan your next trip, check out these popular posts:

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As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,