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What Helped Me Prepare to be a First Time Mom

Several moms-to-be let me know that they have enjoyed my recent baby content, because it helps them feel more prepared. If you are one of those mamas, thank you! I love to hear that my content is of help to others. In honor of your feedback, I made this post just for you. Below is a list of What Helped Me Prepare to be a First Time Mom.

When I was pregnant I found it so important to read and listen to other more experienced mothers, so I also want to share the knowledge I have in order to help others. Please keep in mind that I am a brand new mama and am continuing to learn every day. I am by no means an expert, but wanted to share what worked for me. Thank you for your continued support and feedback!

What Helped Me Prepare to be a First Time Mom

1. Mommy Labor Nurse “Birth it Up” Class

By far one of the biggest things that helped me prepare to be a first time mom was taking the “Birth it Up” class by Mommy Labor Nurse. Whether you are looking to have a natural birth or not, this class was so extremely helpful in easing my anxieties and preparing me for various situations. For example, I planned on a natural birth and ended up needing to be induced and get an epidural. Things didn’t go like I had hoped, but this class had me prepared and educated.

What Helped Me Prepare to be a First Time Mom

2. Nesting

Nesting is a real thing. Just give into it. Allow yourself to prepare your home for baby. Obviously don’t overdo it or overwhelm yourself, but it’s okay to want to be more organized and have things clean for baby. Nesting helped me prepare for motherhood.

3. Slowing Down

Speaking of not getting overwhelmed, it’s so important to slow down when you are pregnant. Your body is growing a human. I know there’s a lot of things on your to-do list, but the most important thing is that you and baby are healthy. Ask for help and delegate tasks as you are able. Just slow down and enjoy the time before baby arrives. Enjoy those little kicks and give yourself a break. Now is the time to be still.

4. Prayer

The next thing in my list of What Helped Me Prepare to be a First Time Mom is prayer. Praying for my baby, for birth, for my husband and myself. Throughout the day whenever I felt nervous about the next chapter of my life, I would pray. When I felt excited about baby’s arrival, I would pray. Give all your thoughts and emotions over to God in prayer and trust this little life into His hands. There’s no way I could have got through labor and delivery without the help of my Heavenly Father. Prepare for motherhood by prioritizing prayer.

5. Family

Another thing that helped me prepare to be a new mom was spending time with family. Now this was tricky during a pandemic. I spent much of my pregnancy in quarantine, but when I was able to call or FaceTime, Snapchat or text my family I did. There’s nothing like being surrounded by the support of the people who love you most. It was also important for me to spend a little extra time with my husband prior to baby’s arrival. The more quality time, the better I felt.

What Helped Me Prepare to be a First Time Mom

6. Listening to Other Moms

The final thing that helped me prepare to be a first time mom was listening to other mamas. I’d never had a baby before. Never felt what it was like to be pregnant or go through labor and delivery or bring a baby home from the hospital. Listening to other moms helped me feel much more prepared for that transition. I just loved learning from others. Now, I will say it’s important to take all advice with a grain of salt. Other moms might not do things like you will, and that’s okay. Just keep your mind open and be willing to learn.

What Helped Me Prepare to be a First Time Mom

Thank you for reading What Helped Me Prepare to be a First Time Mom. I hope I was able to bring you a little help and encouragement. For more about hygge living with baby check out these posts below:

How to Make Mornings More Manageable As a Mom
How to Make Mornings More Manageable As a Mom
20 Things I Learned in the First 20 Weeks of Pregnancy
Pros and Cons of Pregnancy During a Pandemic

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Love always,