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Our Typical Summer Morning Routine with a Toddler

A couple months ago I found myself looking up various toddler morning and evening routines, because we were attempting to form a better schedule for our daughter. I can now say with hesitancy we have built a better morning routine, so I thought I would share ours with those mamas out there who might be curious like I was. I’ve found Ronia and I both thrive on schedules. Below is Our Typical Summer Morning Routine with a Toddler!

Our Typical Summer Morning Routine with a Toddler


Wake up and have quiet time to ourselves. This means something different to my husband and I. My alone time might be a shower and worship music followed by reading, or it might mean time in prayer and folding laundry. Sometimes it means sitting in complete quiet and just listening for the Holy Spirit. Basically I just like to have time all alone with God before Ronia wakes up. I’ve noticed no matter how tired I am, taking this time transforms my entire day.

(Also, this part of our routine is dependent on Ronia actually sleeping and not ending up in our bed by morning…)


Ronia usually wakes up sometime between 6:30am and 7:00am. My husband will typically go in to talk with her and change her diaper while I start on our breakfast.


We try to have breakfast as a family every morning at the table. There’s something really special about gathering at the table, praying and eating good food. When we remember Colton or I will read a little devotional. Breakfast is my favorite part of our summer morning routine.

Our Typical Summer Morning Routine with a Toddler


Colton goes to work around 7:30am and I let Ronia have some solo play time while I clean the kitchen. We are working on solo play, because there for a few weeks she refused to do anything by herself… I’m trying to make it a part of our morning routine, but it doesn’t always last very long. We will play together once I’m done tidying. Cleaning up after every meal is something that helps me throughout the day. If I don’t keep on top of it the kitchen gets overwhelming.

Sometime during morning play I get her dressed and ready. I try not to change her clothes before breakfast, because she always gets them dirty. Then because it is summer I lather her in sunscreen.


I like to get us out of the house in the morning if possible. Summer afternoons in Kansas can be stifling, so we try to get out outside time done first thing. Now that it’s summer we have all sorts of options as to what we can do. We go to the park or splash pad, the library or the zoo, pool or even walk around the garden center. Ronia has a snack around 9:00am, so if we are out and about I pack veggie straws or a granola bar or some fruit.

Our Typical Summer Morning Routine with a Toddler


Depending on the day sometimes Ronia wants her lunch before nap, sometimes after. I just kind of judge by her “hanger” levels. If she seems like she is going through a growth spurt and needs lunch early I will get us home to give her lunch around 11 so she has time to eat before her nap.


Ronia goes down for her nap sometime between 11:30am and noon. For her nap time routine I put her in a “sleep sack” or wearable blanket, we read a few books and then sing some songs before I lay her down. She will nap for an hour and a half or two hours.

And that’s my typical morning routine with a toddler! It varies every day based on weather, her toddler attitude and obligations or appointments.

Thank you for reading Our Typical Summer Morning Routine with a Toddler. I hope I was able to bring you a little help and encouragement. For more about hygge living with baby check out these posts below:

Diaper Bag Essentials with a 1 Year Old
Practical Advice I Would Give a First Time Mom
What Helped Me Prepare to be a First Time Mom
5 Helpful Scriptures for the New Mom

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Love always,