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6 Practical Tips to Keeping Your Home Tidy

If you know me personally or have been following the blog for longer than a month you know I love to keep my home neat and tidy. Organizing is part of my love language, truly, but it might not be yours. If the thought of cleaning and organizing gives you hives, this post is for you. Keeping your home tidy (not perfect, but manageable) doesn’t have to be overwhelming. There are simple things you can do every day to keep the mess under control. Read below to learn about my 6 Practical Tips to Keeping Your Home Tidy.

6 Practical Tips to Keeping Your Home Tidy

1. Clean Up After Every Meal.

One of my new favorite hacks is to tidy the kitchen after every meal. A few dishes is easy to manage, but when we let the kitchen stay dirty throughout the day it’s so much more difficult to clean at the end of the day. Take a few minutes after breakfast, lunch and dinner to tidy your kitchen.

2. Declutter… Everywhere.

The less clutter you have in your home, the easier it will be to maintain. Less stuff just equals less mess, it’s as simple as that. Decluttering is something I try and do every few months, and it has certainly helped my anxiety as well as my cleaning routine.

6 Practical Tips to Keeping Your Home Tidy

3. Don’t Put it Down, Put it Away.

To be honest, this is something I am working on. I’m not sure who said it first, but “Don’t put it down, put it away” is an excellent practice. For example, it’s easy for me to take lint out of the dryer vent and set it on top of the dryer… and leave it there. Or, I could throw it in the trash. Making sure to put things away as you use them throughout the day will save you time later.

4. Build a Whole-House Cleaning Routine.

I’ve been really intentional in the last month about building a cleaning routine. There were things I was forgetting or rooms I cleaned much more than others. Basically, I needed more structure. Now I will say, my routine isn’t always consistent, but it helps me know what is and isn’t done. Creating a schedule for yourself is an evolving process, so remember: “progress not perfection.” Below is a free printable outline/checklist I built for myself if you need a starting point.

6 Practical Tips to Keeping Your Home Tidy

5. Create an Evening Tidy Routine.

Not to be confused with a whole-house cleaning routine, an evening tidy routine is a 15 minute quick tidy before you end your day. This is especially helpful if you have a toddler.. or kids in general. Colton and I trade doing our little evening tidy, so whoever isn’t putting Ronia down to bed does things like pick up toys and puts dishes in the dishwasher. Taking a few minutes before bed to tidy will help you start your morning on the right foot.

6. Clean Your Fridge on Grocery Day.

The last of my 6 Practical Tips to Keeping Your Home Tidy is to clean your fridge when you buy groceries. It’s much easier to give your fridge a quick wipe down each week when you get groceries than once every few months. You also have less in the fridge on a grocery day, which makes it easier to clean.

6 Practical Tips to Keeping Your Home Tidy

Thank you for reading about the 6 Practical Tips to Keeping Your Home Tidy. I hope I could be of help to someone. For more organizational content, check out these posts below:

How to Effectively Organize Your Kitchen Cabinets
Items You Need to Add to Your Spring Clean Checklist
7 Essentials for an Organized Mom Life
How to Completely Transform Your Pantry

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