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How to Reset When You Feel Overwhelmed

Some days I feel like I can’t get my head above water. There are dozens of things on my to-do list, but my brain feels so full that I don’t know where to begin. Have you ever felt that way? Well, on those bad days I have a few do-to things I do to reset my mind and start fresh. Read below to discover How to Reset When You Feel Overwhelmed.

How to Reset When You Feel Overwhelmed

1. Stop and Pray

The first thing I should do, though I don’t always make it a priority, is stop and pray. Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.” Even when I don’t have the words to say, scripture says the Holy Spirit understands even the groaning of our heart. The first thing you should do when you feel overwhelmed is stop everything and pray. Hand your burden to God and He will sustain you.

2. Think About the Basics

The next thing I do to reset when I am overwhelmed is think about the basics. Have I showered, eaten, or made my bed? What are the most basic things on my every day list that may help me feel better?

3. Do a Brain Dump

When I know my basic human needs have been taken care of (aka I am clean, fed, etc) then I do a brain dump of everything else on my mind. Literally anything that runs across my head I put it down on a piece of paper. Then I organize that list. That is, if I can handle organizing it. Sometimes I just set it aside for the rest of the day and organize it later. Brain dumps can be exhausting.

How to Reset When You Feel Overwhelmed

4. Do Something for Someone Else

This might seem counter-productive when you are trying to reset, but I find that when I am my most overwhelmed I am only focusing on myself. Doing something for someone else helps me refocus on the bigger picture and gets my eyes off my growing to-do list. Also, there’s just something about serving others that heals my heart. Have you experienced that type of healing?

5. Turn Off the Noise

Another way to reset when you are overwhelmed is to turn off all the noise. That means turn off or silence your phone, TV, radio, etc. It’s even more helpful to get alone completely, but that isn’t always possible as a mom. We fill our lives with so much noise it can be difficult to hear our own thoughts let alone the voice of God. Reset by turning it all off and just sit in the silence. It can be challenging at first, but you may find you like the peace silence can bring.

How to Reset When You Feel Overwhelmed

6. Tidy Up

I cannot think straight when there is clutter. Especially in my kitchen and bathroom. If you are someone who has trouble focusing when the house is a mess, then part of your reset routine can be taking time to tidy.

7. Talk to a Friend

Never feel like you have to walk though a valley alone. We all carry burdens, some heavier than others. Reach out to the people who love you most and share that you are having a difficult day. Ask them to pray with you or just listen to you ramble. Maybe go for coffee or a long walk with a friend. Share your trouble and you will find it relieves some of the weight.

How to Reset When You Feel Overwhelmed

Thank you for reading How to Reset When You Feel Overwhelmed. For more tips and tricks on how to live a more simple, hygge-filled life, take a look at our latest content: 

Embarrassing Things I am Still Figuring Out at 30
Why It’s Important to Spend Time Day Dreaming
7 Tips for a Hygge Bedtime Routine
Hygge Sleep Tips: How to Get a Quality Night of Rest

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,