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How to Embrace Hygge Living With a Newborn

Hygge is a Danish word that encompasses a feeling of coziness, contentment and well-being by enjoying the simple things in life. Living this way might seem impossible when you have a new baby in the house, but it’s much more attainable than you think. Learn How to Embrace Hygge Living With a Newborn by reading my eight tips below!

How to Embrace Hygge Living With a Newborn

1. Soak in the Simple Things

Watching my daughter grow and learn is my new favorite hobby. If you are wondering How to Embrace Hygge Living With a Newborn, then remember to soak in the simple things. Your baby will be amused by an empty water bottle, entertained with your voice and smile. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted and miss those simple moments. Enjoy them!

2. Clean Your Calendar

Babies are time-consuming. You may have been able to have a packed calendar or a long to-do list prior to baby, but that will change. Or, at least it did for me. Clean your calendar to only include the most important tasks. At least for a season, pare down what you are involved in so that you can be fully present.

How to Embrace Hygge Living With a Newborn

3. Prepare What You Can

Meal prep and organize your home as best you can before baby arrives. Pack your diaper bag and clean out the car. Anything you can do to prepare ahead of time, go ahead and do it. And really think outside the box. Are there any birthdays coming up? Holidays? Do you have an important project for work that will be due? Accomplish all those goals prior to baby’s arrival to focus on hygge living with your newborn.

4. Maximize Nap Time

Speaking of preparation, another way to embrace hygge living with a newborn is to maximize nap time. You can do chores or work during nap time if you feel so inclined, but you could also seize that moment to take a nap while baby naps, read a book, listen to a podcast, exercise or simply enjoy a cup of coffee on the patio. Don’t waste nap time by surfing through social media. You will regret it later.

How to Embrace Hygge Living With a Newborn

5. Embrace Imperfection

Another way to embrace hygge with a newborn is to recenter your priorities by embracing imperfection. By this I mean, your home might not be perfectly clean, but as long as your baby is fed and clean and healthy that’s all that matters. You might not be on time to the pediatrician appointment, but you made it. Life isn’t perfect, but that’s not the point. Don’t sweat the details.

6. Ask for Help

One of the most important things you can learn as a new parent is to know when to ask for help. If you haven’t had a single moment for a little self care and feel completely overwhelmed, then call a friend or family member. Hand the baby to your spouse so you can have a moment to regroup. Getting to know your baby is a long and intricate process. It’s okay to ask for help if you need it. In fact, it’s better for you and your baby.

How to Embrace Hygge Living With a Newborn

7. Seek Self Care

As a new mother, it’d instinctual to give all of yourself in order to care for your child. A day does by and you’ve forgotten to shower, eat dinner or even brush your teeth. Yup, everyone has those days. However, you can’t take care of your baby without taking care of yourself. Exercise, even if it’s only for ten minutes. Eat healthy food to fuel your body properly. Spend time in the Word of God. Do what you need to do to care for your body, mind and spirit.

8. Give it All to God

Speaking of the spirit, perhaps the most important way to Embrace Hygge Living With a Newborn is to give it all to God. Give Him your praise, anxieties, stress and joy. True contentment comes from our Father in Heaven, the Prince of Peace. There are plenty of things to worry yourself about when you have a newborn baby at home. You could spent countless nights lying awake and thinking of all the things that could go wrong, but it would be a waste of time. Give it all to God and trust in His plan for you and your baby.

How to Embrace Hygge Living With a Newborn

Thank you for reading How to Make Mornings More Manageable As a Mom. I hope I was able to bring you a little help and encouragement. For more about hygge living with baby check out these posts below:

How to Make Mornings More Manageable As a Mom
20 Things I Learned in the First 20 Weeks of Pregnancy
Official Reveal: How to Create a Hygge Nursery
Pros and Cons of Pregnancy During a Pandemic

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