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Breastfeeding Tips and Tricks From a New Mom

Breastfeeding was such a learning curve as a new mom. I had little to no idea what to expect. Truth be told I’m still learning as I go, but I wanted to share my Breastfeeding Tips and Tricks From a New Mom, because I value the knowledge of other mamas as well.

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As a disclaimer I am in fact a new mama, not a nurse or doctor. I am merely sharing my own experiences so please be kind. People tend to have strong opinions about breastfeeding. If you disagree, that’s okay! Everyones journey is different, but we can all be respectful.

Breastfeeding Tips and Tricks From a New Mom

1. Hydration is Key

The first of my Breastfeeding Tips and Tricks From a New Mom is hydration. You have not experienced true thirst until you are breastfeeding. It was shocking to me how much water I needed to drink in a day.

2. Utilize the Breastfeeding Clinic

The Breastfeeding Clinic at our local hospital was so helpful during the few weeks we had Ronia. She was having trouble gaining weight and I was a brand new mama with no clue what I was doing. They met with me multiple times as well as spoke to me on the phone whenever I have questions. Don’t hesitate to utilize your local breastfeeding clinic, because they are a wealth of knowledge.

3. You Are Not Alone

One of the things that helped me in the first couple months of breastfeeding was to find other moms who had or were going through it. Not because I needed advice (although sometimes that helps), but because I needed support. I needed to know I was not alone in my worries and struggle. So I highly recommend finding other mamas to lean on.

4. Fuel Your Body

You might be tempted to immediately work on weight loss post-pregnancy, but remember that you are feeding a little human. It’s important to fuel your body and fuel it well with healthy foods not only so you feel good and have energy, but so baby is healthy as well. Cutting too many calories can affect your breast milk, so don’t stress about losing weight fast.

5. Prepare a Breastfeeding Station

Wherever you plan to breastfeed in the middle of the night, I recommend preparing a breastfeeding station. Whether it be in your room, the nursery or living room. Have a bottle of water nearby. Remember, you will be THIRSTY. Maybe leave a snack on the table, pump parts, a burp rag. Whatever you might need have it ready. You will be exhausted at the 2:00am feeding, so preparing ahead of time will help future you.

6. Supplementing is Not Failure

For the first few weeks after Ronia was born she was not gaining weight as she should be and we had to supplement with formula in order to keep her hydrated and healthy. At first I felt like such a failure that I wasn’t able to provide her what she needed, but the truth is I was doing my very best. If you have to supplement with formula or donors milk or aren’t able to keep breastfeeding at all then please know it is not failure. Everyone’s breastfeeding journey is different.

Breastfeeding Tips and Tricks From a New Mom

7. Buy a Haakaa

One of the very best Breastfeeding Tips and Tricks From a New Mom I can give you is to buy a Haakaa. I hated pumping. So, once my supply was regulated I stopped using my pump and started solely using the Haakaa (pictured above) to collect milk. It’s amazing how much you can collect just from the let down during feedings. If you haven’t tried or heard of the Haakaa I suggest you check it out!

8. Ask for Help

Never be afraid to ask for help. Again, you are not in this alone. If you need to let your partner or family member feed the baby in order to get a nap… do it! If you need to delegate diaper changing duty because you are overwhelmed, then go ahead. Your mental, spiritual and physical health are vital to taking care of your baby, so make them a priority when you can.

9. Learn What Works for You and Baby

Breastfeeding is such a journey. Pay attention to your little one and you will soon learn their hunger cues and other preferences, such as how they are held. Learn what works for you and your baby. As much advice as I can give, I have only my experience. You know yourself and your baby. And you got this!

Breastfeeding Tips and Tricks From a New Mom

10. Invest in Reusable Pads for Leaking

Let’s be real, leaks happen. Save your bras and shirts by investing in reusable fabric pads. I wear them every day now and even keep some in the diaper bag just in case. They are such a lifesaver!

11. Cluster Feeding Doesn’t Last Forever

If your baby is cluster feeding, know that it doesn’t last forever. It feels like it at the time, but trust me when I say it does end. My daughter wanted to eat every hour or two for weeks, but she knew what she was doing. I needed better production and she helped me out.

12. It’s Miraculous

There are many things that make breastfeeding hard, but it’s important to remember what a beautiful thing it is. You are feeding your child from your own body. How crazy cool is that? On those late nights when you have nothing left to give, allow yourself to soak in the moment. Your baby is growing because of what you produce and that’s a wonderful thing.

Breastfeeding Tips and Tricks From a New Mom

Thank you for reading Breastfeeding Tips and Tricks From a New Mom. I hope I was able to bring you a little help and encouragement. For more about hygge living with baby check out these posts below:

How to Make Mornings More Manageable As a Mom
20 Things I Learned in the First 20 Weeks of Pregnancy
Official Reveal: How to Create a Hygge Nursery
Pros and Cons of Pregnancy During a Pandemic

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Love always,