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7 Helpful Hacks that Keep My Home Organized

Do you struggle keeping your home tidy? Or do you perhaps feel overwhelmed with how to begin organizing your space? I’ve been there. It might seem impossible, but these 6 Helpful Hacks that Keep My Home Organized will help get you started. Just remember, progress and not perfection. No home is perfect.

1. Make the Bed

Making the bed first thing in the morning starts your day on a win. It helps you feel accomplished while also tidying your personal space. Less clutter means a more clear mind. If you want to read more about why you should make your bed, be sure to check out my blog post about just that!

2. “Don’t put it down. Put it away!”

Something I am working on is putting things away. For example, when I get out the scissors to use, I should put them back in the proper place. Not on the dryer or the counter. It might seem like too much work to spend 30 seconds putting something away, but that time accumulates. Suddenly you have a home covered in discarded items that take an hour to organize.

3. Decluttering

The next item in my list of 6 Helpful Hacks that Keep My Home Organized is decluttering. At first, decluttering you home actually causes more of a mess. However, over time and with consistency, decluttering can actually help you stay more organized. It’s easy to have a tidy home when there is less stuff in it.

4. Spend Time Outside

We have a toddler, so our home doesn’t stay tidy for long. When the weather is nice, I try to spend more time outside. We go to parks, the discovery center, play centers, on errands or to the pool. The more time we spend outside the house, the more tidy it stays. Why? Because we aren’t here to make a mess.

Now, obviously that does not work every day. Sometimes you just need a day at home and I embrace the mess. Sometimes the weather is bad or someone is sick and we have to stay home. I’ve just noticed there are actually less chores for me when we are able to get outside.

5. Morning & Evening Tidy

Each morning after I wake and night before I go to bed, I take 15 minutes to tidy. My morning tidy consists of tidying the bathroom after I get ready, making the bed, and cleaning my bedside table. I put away things like water cups, chargers, discarded laundry, etc. My evening tidy is more about closing down the kitchen, starting the dishwasher, and putting away toys. Taking 15 minutes at the beginning and the end of my day truly transforms my home and my mindset. I highly recommend.

6. Labels

It has taken more than a year, but our home is slowly becoming more organized. Things have found their proper place. An organizational tool that helps me more is labeling. For example, we have a lot of bins in the basement full of decorations, childhood memorabilia and various other items. It makes my life easier when I label those bins well. Then I don’t have to open every lid to find the item for which I’m looking. It’s also helpful to have things like the first aid kit labeled. That way if a guest needs a bandaid, they can see exactly where it should be. Well-placed labels save me time.

7. Create a Cleaning Routine

Creating a cleaning routine is the final helpful hack, but perhaps the most valuable. I get overwhelmed when I think about every item in my home that needs to be cleaned. There are things you do every week, once a month, or maybe once a year. I lose track of those things, then remember them all at once and fall to pieces. Creating my own cleaning routine has been instrumental in keeping me sane.

Spending four hours cleaning the house on Saturday just takes time out of your weekend and leaves you grumpy. Cleaning a bit every day is easier to manage and grants you that weekend relaxation. For example, you could clean the bathrooms on Mondays, wash the bedding on Fridays and mop on Wednesday. Do whatever works for your home! For more about creating a cleaning routine, be sure to read this additional blog post.

Thank you for reading about the 7 Helpful Hacks that Keep My Home Organized. I hope I could be of help to someone. For more organizational content, check out these posts below:

How to Effectively Organize Your Kitchen Cabinets
Items You Need to Add to Your Spring Clean Checklist
7 Essentials for an Organized Mom Life
How to Completely Transform Your Pantry

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