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10 Organization Tips That Will Make Your Life Easier and Save Time

Do you have trouble keeping your home and life organized? When things are clean and in their place it’s so rewarding, but how do you keep them that way? Below are 10 Organization Tips That Will Make Your Life Easier and Save Time. These are all tips I swear by. Please enjoy these tips that help me in my own home and be sure to subscribe below for new content every week.

Oh, and don’t forget to check out calendars and other printables to organize your family on the @hyggefamilyprints page on Etsy!

10 Organization Tips That Will Make Your Life Easier and Save Time

1. Wash Your Dishes After Eating

Rather than letting your dishes pile up throughout the week, wash them as you use them. It only takes a couple extra seconds to rinse your plate and place it in the dishwasher. Letting dishes sit for days and get crusty means longer cleaning time. Washing your dishes as you use them keeps you organized and saves time.

2. Check the Mail Daily

Make it a part of your routine to check the mailbox every day. Maybe it’s when you pull into the driveway after work or first thing in the morning before your cup of coffee. Checking the mail daily prevents missing important information or bills. Sadly, there are people who stalk mailboxes to steal documents. Don’t let that happen to you. I also recommend having a a designated place for bills and important mail inside your home.

3. Choose a Spot for Your Keys

Did you know the average American spends an average total of 2.5 days a year looking for misplaced items like keys? That is an insane amount of time spent looking for what you’ve lost. My husband and I have a wooden bowl we use for our keys. I recommend you designate a place in your home for wallets and keys and train yourself to use it. Of all my organization tips, this will save you the most confrontation. Trust me, you will thank yourself in the long run.

4. Establish a Morning and Evening Routine

Establishing a morning routine will help you prepare for the day. Likewise, an evening routine can help you process and prepare for the following morning. Studies show that a lack of daily routine can lead to stress, poor sleep, poor eating and an ineffective use of time. Establishing a morning an evening routine can help you stay more organized and save you time. For more ideas on why and how to establish these routines, check out the 7 Tips to Create a Hygge Morning Routine and 7 Tips for Creating a Hygge Bedtime Routine.

10 Organization Tips That Will Make Your Life Easier and Save Time

5. Schedule a Monthly Family Meeting

Communication is key when staying organized. In the chaos of every day life it can be easy to lose track of what is most important. A daily data dump with your family members may not be possible, so I suggest scheduling a weekly or monthly family meeting. Use that meeting to review your calendar, plan events and talk about things like birthday presents. Starting a routine family meeting will keep you organized and save time.

Bonus Tip: To make the gathering more fun you could go out to dinner or make it a family meeting move night!

6. Do Laundry Once a Week

Okay, if you are a parent you are thinking doing laundry once a week is impossible, and you might be right! However, if you find yourself doing several small loads of laundry a week I highly recommend choosing one or two days a week you focus on laundry. By choosing a designated time for laundry each week actually save time and keep yourself organized. It also gives you the opportunity to try new outfit combinations and think outside the box!

7. Prioritize Quiet Time with God

Honestly, this organization tip should #1 on the list. If you are not prioritizing your quiet time or prayer then you will most likely not be organized. Sure, it may seem like a sacrifice of time if you have a busy schedule. However, I like to think of it as an investment. My day is ALWAYS better when I’m spending time with God first thing in the morning. If you have to sacrifice phone or TV time, then do it. Your relationship with God is more important.

8. Meal Prep Once a Week

I’m sure you’ve heard this before from dozens of people, but there is a reason why meal prep is so popular. Preparing your food at the beginning of the week actually saves you time each day. It’s no fun to get home after a long day and realize there is absolutely nothing to eat that isn’t frozen or requires an hour of prep. Save yourself the stress and stay organized by prepping this week’s meals early.

9. Maintain a Visible Calendar

Again, communication as a family is sometimes difficult. Maintaining a visible calendar can remind you and your family of weekly activities. Look at that calendar daily to be sure it stays updated. Another added benefit of having your calendar visible is that it keeps you accountable. Working toward a 5k or thinking of joining a Bible Study? Write it on the calendar to stay accountable to yourself and others.

10 Organization Tips That Will Make Your Life Easier and Save Time

10. Give Yourself Grace

Do not beat yourself up if you feel like you can’t stay organized. Do not allow yourself to get overwhelmed trying to be perfect. It is not worth it. This world is broken and sometimes things don’t go the right way. Giving yourself a hard time will not only waste time but cause you stress, which might only make you more unorganized. Breathe deep and do your best. Giving yourself a little bit of grace is one of the best things you can do to stay organized and save time.

10 Organization Tips That Will Make Your Life Easier and Save Time

Thank you for reading the 10 Organization Tips that Will Make Your Life Easier and Save Time. For more home organization tips and tricks, check out this additional content:

12 Unique Things You Can Organize While Social Distancing
Hygge Home Tips: 5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed
Hygge Home Ti
ps: 7 Reasons to Clear the Clutter from Your Closets
How to Bring Hygge and the Holy Spirit to Your Home Office

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,