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Practical Advice From the Perspective of a First Time Dad

In honor of Father’s Day I thought I would do something a little unique. My husband, Colton, became a father for the first time in December. He’s learned so much in the past six months and wanted to share some of that knowledge with you. Below are five points of Practical Advice From the Perspective of a First Time Dad. I hope you enjoy hearing a blog post from his perspective!

Practical Advice From the Perspective of a First Time Dad

1. Keep Your Perspective

Know that the hard times are going to pass and the good memories will last forever. Some days are long and exhausting, but God is not going to give you more than you can handle. You will get through it. In the midst of the difficulties you will create precious memories with your child and family.

2. Be a Student of the Game

Having a baby is a huge learning curve. Don’t ever think you know everything. Keep trying to improve as a parent every day, every hour, every minute. Babies change fast!

Practical Advice From the Perspective of a First Time Dad

3. Be Willing to Demonstrate Tough Love When Necessary

While we want to give our child anything they may desire, we must remember that we are the parent. Sometimes we need to say no when it is to their benefit. For example, our 6 month old daughter wants to chew on anything and everything right now, but that is not always sanitary or safe. I have to say no to protect her.

4. Take Care of Yourself

The more you take care of your mental, physical and spiritual health the better parent you will be. It’s easy to neglect your own needs in favor of your baby and in hopes of just getting by. However, taking care of yourself will pay dividends in the long run. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

Practical Advice From the Perspective of a First Time Dad

5. Have Fun

My daughter only becomes more fun the older she gets. Each phase is unique and special. Have fun as much as you can and enjoy each step your baby takes. Being a first time dad is the most difficult and amazing thing I have ever experience. Remember to enjoy the journey.

Practical Advice From the Perspective of a First Time Dad

Thank you for reading Practical Advice From the Perspective of a First Time Dad. I hope I was able to bring you a little help and encouragement. If you enjoyed this post please let me know, because I am thinking of doing a part two! For more about hygge living with baby check out these posts below:

Practical Advice I Would Give a First Time Mom
6 Things I Learned in 6 Months as a New Mom
What Helped Me Prepare to be a First Time Mom
5 Helpful Scriptures for the New Mom

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Love always,