Organization,  Welcome

12 Unique Things You Can Organize While Social Distancing

Now that we are stuck at home it’s easy to get a little lazy, but time at home doesn’t have to mean laziness. Are you looking for productive things to do with your time now that you are self-quarantined? Well, look no further. Below are 12 Unique Things You Can Organize While Social Distancing. Don’t take this time for granted. Use it to make a difference.

I would also like to shout out those of you who aren’t stuck at home, but are risking your health every day to keep the rest of us safe. Thank you for all you do, from the bottom of my heart.

12 Unique Things You Can Organize While Social Distancing

1. Physical Photos

Do you have albums of family photos, or are they all piled into a box somewhere waiting for an album? Now is the perfect time to organize your photos. Scan the photos into your computer or add them to a scrapbook. It might be therapeutic to reminisce on the good old times when you could walk through the grocery store or hug your extended family.

2. Computer Desktop

Messy computer desktops give me hives. Honestly. If your computer desktop is covered in downloads, folders and files please take the time to organize it. For my sanity and your stress levels just take the time to do it.

3. Apps on Phone

My husband has about a thousand apps on his phone and he might use ten of those apps. Clear the clutter from the main screen of your phone by deleting unused apps and re-ordering the ones you do utilize.

4. Finances and Budget

When was the last time you thoroughly sorted through your finances and budget? Take this time to check for any subscriptions you didn’t realize were active or bills you forgot to pay. Make a plan for the rest of 2020 or even the next five years.

5. Physical Documents

Speaking of finances, if you happen to have bills and tax documents that need organizing, now is the best time. Scan important papers into your computer to ensure you have a backup copy and file paperwork for easy access.

6. Kids Artwork

If you are a parent you likely have hundreds of school papers, artwork and gifts from your kiddos stashed somewhere. Take time to sort through these things. Divide the memories into different tubs per child so that someday it will be easy for them to find.

7. Movies & Books

Are your bookshelves or DVDs looking a little cluttered? Utilize the self-quarantine. Go through all your books and movies and decide what you need to keep, donate, gift to someone else or throw away entirely.

8. Junk Drawer

Speaking of throwing things away, now is the best time to rid yourself of that pesky junk drawer. No more mess! Everything in that drawer should probably be somewhere else or in the trash. You’ll be surprised what you find in there.

9. Medicine Cabinet

Fun fact: medicine expires. Yup. So before you go dosing yourself with cough syrup from 2015, take ten minutes to clean out your medicine cabinet. You can safely dispose of prescriptions at your local pharmacy. Oh, and it might be a good idea to check your first aid kit and restock.

12 Unique Things You Can Organize While Social Distancing

10. The Trunk of Your Car

I don’t even want to know what the trunk of my car looks like right now. Ugh. It’s one of those places you never look at until you need it and then you are just overwhelmed by the mess. No? Just me? Well, I better go clean it and you should, too.

11. Old Emails

Inboxes with more than ten emails in them are another thing that truly gives me hives. I promise you will feel so much more organized and on top of things if you spend a good chunk of time organizing your emails. Of all the things you should organize, email should be one.

(Pro Tip: Start by removing any emails prior to this year and placing them in folders.)

12. Garage or Storage Shed

Everyone hates cleaning the garage, but now you have the time so why not? Sweep the floors and throw out that pile of old boxes. If you have a garden shed, I encourage you to clean that out as well. You never know what creature may have made your shed or garage its home. No one likes unwanted visitors, so it’s a good idea to keep those spaces tidy.

12 Unique Things You Can Organize While Social Distancing

Thank you for reading the 12 Unique Things You Can Organize While Social Distancing. For more tips and tricks on how to make your home a little more organized and hygge, check out these posts below:

How to Make Your Guest Room More Cozy
Hygge Home Tips: 5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed
Hygge Home Ti
ps: 7 Reasons to Clear the Clutter from Your Closets
How to Bring Hygge and the Holy Spirit to Your Home Office

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love always,