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The Ultimate Fall Bucket List for Your Family

Fall is almost upon us, and I don’t know about you, but I cannot wait for cooler weather and pumpkin flavored foods. I’m such a sucker for fall. My favorite part is all the quality time. From tailgating at a football game to gathering around the table for a Thanksgiving feast – fall is the season of family. Read below for The Ultimate Fall Bucket List for Your Family. I hope you use it as inspiration to create your own custom bucket list.

The Ultimate Fall Bucket List for Your Family

1. Visit a Pumpkin Patch

Is it fall if you don’t visit a pumpkin patch? Doubt it. Gather some friends together and go choose pumpkins together.

2. Carve a Pumpkin

Once you’ve picked your pumpkin, head back home and carve that baby! Carving pumpkins is such a right of passage. The first time my husband carved a pumpkin was just a couple years ago, and now he wants to do it every year.

3. Wear Flannel

Another right of passage for the fall season is wearing flannel. You just have to do it. You could even stage an awkward family photo of matching flannel.

4. Take a Drive

Kansas is absolutely stunning in the fall. We have beautiful sunsets anytime of the year, but when you add falling leaves it’s the perfect conditions for a nice long country drive.

5. Buy a Fall Scented Candle

Speaking of falling leaves, buying a candle is an important part of fall. Take a special trip to the store and smell all the candles to find your favorite.

6. Bake a Pie

A couple years ago I conquered a perfect pumpkin pie recipe. One of my favorite parts of the fall season is baking a pie and letting my house fill with all those warm spice-y smells.

7. Drink Apple Cider

You know, I didn’t try apple cider until I was in my twenties and my past self was certainly missing out. The only thing better than hot apple cider is an apple cider slushy. Yum.

8. Attend a Fall Festival

Another way to spend some quality time outdoors and enjoy the cool fall weather is to attend a fall festival in your area. Go all out and spend the day there from sun up to sun down. You’ll create some amazing memories.

9. Make a Thankful List

An excellent practice for the fall is to make a list of everything you are thankful for. Recenter your heart on the positive. We need that after this past year.

10. Make Soup From Scratch

My list so far is a little random, but I’m including things as I think of them. This year a new item on my fall bucket list is to make soup from scratch. I’ve never done it, but I absolutely love a good soup. Wish me luck!

The Ultimate Fall Bucket List for Your Family

11. Play in the Leaves

My husband disagrees with this particular bucket list item, because leaves are itchy, but don’t you remember playing in the leaves as a kid? It’s so nostalgic.

12. Fall Movie Night

Another favorite bucket list item for our family is a family movie night. Add some kettle corn and perhaps a mug of cider and you have a recipe for the perfect fall family movie night.

13. Toast S’Mores

Can you have too many food items on your fall bucket list? I didn’t think so. Also, there’s always room for S’mores.

14. Go on a Hike

We haven’t been able to take a hike with Ronia just yet, but it might be time to try one this fall. I miss going on a nice long walk in the trees.

15. Curl up with a Good Book

Utilizing the gift of Audible, I’ve listened to all seven Harry Potter books and am currently working through Jurassic Park. As much as I love Audible, I do miss the feeling of a heavy book in my hands and the smell of the pages. Just me?

The Ultimate Fall Bucket List for Your Family

16. Plan a Fall Picnic

If you plan to take a hike this year, be sure to pack a nice fall picnic to take with you. I don’t know what it is, but there is something so fall about a picnic table and a slight breeze.

17. Visit a Corn Maze

We are almost done with The Ultimate Fall Bucket List for Your Family, but I would be remiss if I did not add a visit to a corn maze. Do they have corn mazes all over the country? In other countries? Be sure to email me and let me know if this is a Kansas thing.

18. Decorate Your Home

We move to our new home in about a month and I am so excited to decorate for fall. Do you decorate your home in autumn or wait for winter?

19. Tailgate a Football Game

It’s also not a fall in Kansas without tailgating a football game. I may not 100% understand the game, but you can’t go wrong with a good tailgate with friends.

20. Dinner with Family

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, fall is the season of family. Whatever your family might look like, take some time this year to gather together. Stay safe and have a happy fall. God bless!

The Ultimate Fall Bucket List for Your Family

Thank you for reading the The Ultimate Fall Bucket List for Your Family. Remember, a Hygge Holiday is one that is focused on coziness and calm. For more simple living and hygge content check out these additional posts:

15 Hygge Activities for the Autumn Season
Hygge Home Tips: How to Create a Welcoming Entryway
Harry Potter Inspired Pumpkin Pasties
7 Ways to Appreciate People and Say Thank You

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,